Blog posts page 35 of 44

Welcome to my new home

It’s been long overdue but you can thank Blogger for being down for long enough to force me to move my blog to the same host as my web site.

I’ve been wanting categories, track-backs and finer control for some time. I looked at dasBlog, .Text and CommunityServer and rejected each for one reason or another before settling on Subtext. It is far from perfect but it’s the best .NET blogging engine for me right now — yes I know there are some great PHP blog systems out there but I have an aversion to PHP.

Apple introduces 17″ MacBook Pro

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Apple have announced the 17″ MacBook Pro at their US Store that should be shipping within the next 7–10 days (early May).

The machine is almost identical to the 2GHz models of the 15.4″ MacBook with the following differences;

Handling nullable value types in .NET 1.x

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  • 📦 .NET

One of the great new features in .NET 2.0 is support for nullable types — especially important when dealing with value types such as Int or DateTime values coming from a database. Previously you were forced to either set and track another binary flag or to use a “special” value to represent null that sooner or later would turn up in real data.

In C# 2.0 thanks to a bit of syntactic sugar we can do this;

Bad programming advice – don’t use exceptions

Kristian Dupont Knudsen has written a top 10 of programming advice notnot to follow with his rationalisation for each one. Being a programmer I thought I’d chip in with my 2 bits.

Joel recommends not using exceptions because they are “invisible in the source code” and that they create “too many possible exit points”.

Fixing MacBook Pro keyboard annoyances under Windows

This article was written when Boot Camp had limited device driver support and is now therefore out of date.

There are a few annoyances with the MacBook Pro keyboard when in use under Windows XP via Boot Camp. The lack of back lighting and the swapped WindowsWindowsAltAlt keys I can’t help with but the getting the Fn key operational, replacing Alt GrAlt Gr and switching misplaced symbols I can.