ZX Ramona A small Ramona revival.

I created this font in 2005 as my take on an existing bitmap font by legendary designer Susan Kare (of MacOS, Chicago, etc.) called Ramona.

When I first published this in 2019 Susan's Ramona was not online with the only references pointing to a book called "Indie Fonts 2", which shows a few of the letters in this style. Alas, the font is also not listed as being included on the CD that accompanied the book.

Since then the typeface has turned up on a number of dubious download sites which has given me a chance to see where each letter ended and revise a number of the glyphs and widths. If you have a proportional renderer then the 'Closer' variant might work better for you.

This reinterpretation works well when any flowing text is required, such as adventure games or even character speed bubbles.

Simulated usage