Returned from Redmond
- 📅
- 📝 121 words
- 🕙 1 minute
- 📦 Microsoft
- 🏷️ Redmond
- 💬 1 response
It’s been an overwhelming few days listening and interacting with bright people from the .NET community and within Microsoft itself (wish I could say more but I can’t). Here are just a few of those names, I wish I knew them all but I was so busy listening to what they had to say I often forgot to ask for a card:
- Jonathan Carter
- Kevin Huffman
- Aaron Jensen
- Dimitar Kapitanov
- James Kovaks
- Julia Lerman
- Jeffrey Palmero
- Vassil Terziev
And from the Microsoft side of the fence
- Brad Abrams
- Pablo Castro
- Simon Calvert
- Scott Guthrie
- Eilon Lipton
- Lance Olson
Congratulations go out to Rob Conery who is now getting paid by Microsoft to work on SubSonic!
How cool is that!
1 response to Returned from Redmond
Sounds like you either attended an SDR, or you’re getting a job ;)