Joining the LINQ to SQL team at Microsoft

I’ve been quiet on my blog lately largely because I have been preparing to change job and relocate half-way around the world to Vancouver in the beautiful province of British Columbia (where I spent my 2004 summer holiday).

In February I traveled out to Redmond for three days of interviews (one position grew to two, then three). Having read the Microsoft Jobs Blog I was prepared for long hard days but in reality the process was incredibly enjoyable and exciting.

So much so I wanted to find a desk and move in right then.

With some luck I also found myself at Hanselman’s geek dinner which involved some great discussions and the chance to meet Scott himself, Brad Wilson and Nikhil Kothari who I knew from .NET on-line community as well as some ~35 other developers from both within Microsoft and the outside world. It was one fun evening and my thanks go to Scott for kindly driving me back to my hotel in Redmond town center.

Many white-boards and a few lunches later (including an unexpected one with Phil Haack, Nikhil and two more guys from ASP.NET team – I wish I could remember all the names of the people I met!) I found myself with the hard task of choosing a position.

I settled on a developer role within the LINQ to SQL team starting mid-May and am counting down the days…


14 responses to Joining the LINQ to SQL team at Microsoft

  1. Avatar for

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  2. Avatar for dies-el

    Hey Damieng, congratulations!

    2 out of 100 #webdev's heading to MS ain't bad, eh?

  3. Avatar for Simone

    At first I thought it as the usual Aprils Fools... but seems like it's not. Congratulations

  4. Avatar for Adrian Ritchie

    Congratulations. I'm with Steve in wondering why it took so long to blog it (although I suspect I know).

    My only worry know is who am I going to bug about best programming practices?

  5. Avatar for Kezzer

    Good to hear this. I won't see you before you leave so best of luck to you and your career. Make sure you get us some pictures of the sights ;)

    Someone's going to have to replace your role at the GSDF also!

  6. Avatar for Damien Guard

    The other roles were a Senior Technical Evangelist for ASP.NET and a developer role on the ASP.NET/Silverlight team.

    Both were great opportunities too and I'd have been happy in any of the roles but the lure of writing production code on something as new and cool as LINQ to SQL plus the ability to do some evangelism on it too tipped it.

  7. Avatar for Ken Egozi

    Joining the evil empire ... ;) Congrats dude. Let's hope that you'd have enough time to keep blogging, and coolify Linq4SQL even more.

    I wonder what roles did you pass when choosing the L4S one.

  8. Avatar for Tim Park
    Tim Park

    [) Wow man if this isn't a an April's Fool this is just incredible. I've come to believe in two things in life hard work and karma and looks like both of those have aligned for you.

    On the other hand if this is an April Fools Joke then GGRRRRR

  9. Avatar for steve

    Finally - I was expecting this blog post a month ago ;)

    I've said it to your face already, but congratulations, it's an awesome opportunity for you.

  10. Avatar for Nikhil Kothari

    Great to hear you're joining! I'll have a set of LINQ to SQL feature requests ready for you :-)

    Oh, and I sure hope this isn't an April fools thing :-) (I know this isn't, but couldn't resist...)