2 blog posts tagged BlogML

Importing BlogML into WordPress

I’ve been trying to get my content out of Subtext and into WordPress – a process that shouldn’t be difficult however Subtext only supports the blog-independent BlogML format and whilst WordPress supports a number of import formats BlogML isn’t one of them. For export WordPress only supports it’s own WordPress WXR format although the BlogML guys have an exporter available.

The first idea was to put together an XSL transform to convert BlogML to WXR.

From Blogger to SubText – Export psuedo BlogML from Blogger

Getting my blog out of Blogger.com and into Subtext was not as easy as I’d hoped…

BlogML is an XML format designed to encapsulate a blog, it’s posts, comments and categories. Sounds great for transferring between blogs… Alas while SubText and many other engines support it Blogger.com does not.