4 blog posts tagged RSS

Creating RSS feeds in ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET MVC is the technology that brought me to Microsoft and the west-coast and it’s been fun getting to grips with it these last few weeks.

Last week I needed to expose RSS feeds and checked out some examples online but was very disappointed.

Google Reader – contender for the online aggregator throne?

Screenshot of Google ReaderI wrote a while back about how Rojo’s upgrade was a disaster and that it had led me to look for alternatives.

Bloglines didn’t have the same feeling of a polished interface that Rojo has tempted me with but unlike Rojo but it has been happily consuming the feeds of all my sites and presenting them without fuss or issue since I started using it a few weeks ago.

Rojo – how not to publish updates to your site

Rojo has been my favorite on-line reader for a while despite the annoyances and quirks but this weekends ‘upgrade’ got me wondering how incompetent the team behind it is and what exactly Six Apart have purchased.

There were a couple of problems before the upgrade — the one most users would have seen is the crazy unread counts which are almost always wrong — but you can learn to live with that.