7 blog posts tagged SQL

LINQ to SQL tips and tricks #3

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Another set of useful and lesser-known LINQ to SQL techniques.

LINQ to SQL supports stored procedures for retrieving entities, insert, update and delete operations, as you know. But you can also use them to perform lazy-loading of navigation properties.

When an object-relational mapper is too much, DataReader too little

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  • πŸ“¦ .NET
  • πŸ’¬ 16

I fired up Visual Studio this evening to write a proof-of-concept app and found myself wanting strongly typed domain objects from a database but without the overhead of an object-relational mapperΒ  (the application is read-only).

One solution is to write methods by hand, another is to code generate them but it would be nice to be able to do:

LINQ to SQL tips and tricks #2

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  • πŸ“¦ .NET
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A few more useful and lesser-known tips for using LINQ to SQL.

There are times when LINQ to SQL refuses to cook up the TSQL you wanted either because it doesn’t support the feature or because it has a different idea of what makes an optimal query.

LINQ to SQL tips and tricks #1

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  • πŸ“¦ .NET
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Being on the inside of a product team often leads to uncovering or stumbling upon lesser-known techniques, and here are a few little nuggets I found interesting – I have more if there is interest.

LINQ to SQL lets you specify that a property is delay-loaded, meaning that not retrieved as part of normal query operations against that entity. This is particularly useful for binary and large text fields such as a photo property on an employee object that is rarely used and would cause a large amount of memory to be consumed on the client, not to mention traffic between the SQL and application.

Parameterising the IN clause of an SQL SELECT in .NET

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  • πŸ“¦ .NET
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I’m a fan of parameterized queries with a strong dislike for building SQL (or other magic strings). Encoding, escaping errors, localization formatting problems and injection can run rampant when you think everything is a string.

Today I found myself a quandary as I needed to SELECT records based on a list of values I had. e.g.

Avoiding SQL injection

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  • πŸ“¦ .NET

Back in ’98 I was developing an extranet site for a local company when I realized that it would be open for exploit if somebody put single quotes in text fields. It was early in the development cycle so I fixed it and moved on, unable to find out how other people were avoiding the problem.

It turned out many were not and it became a well-known exploit called SQL injection. Unfortunately there are many developers who don’t know or appreciate the problem, and it is this: