Software discography

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  • 📝 2,186
  • 🕙 10

This list represents some of the highlights I've had the pleasure of developing, extending or otherwise contributing significantly to.


Title Environment Company Released Description
Auth0.NET .NET C# Auth0 2019 Development and maintenance of the .NET, mobile and management SDKs for Auth0 (now Okta).
C5AS .NET C# C5 Alliance 2004 Secure authentication and challenge system with web services interface and management tools for internet banking.
CSharpAnalytics .NET C# Open source 2012-2013 Complete .NET/C# based application analytics package to integrate with Google Analytics.
Code First .NET C# Microsoft 2011 API design, fluent API implementation, database generation, relationship configuration.
Entity Framework .NET C# Microsoft 2009 Implementation of Single/SingleOrDefault/DefaultIfEmpty/Contains/IN/Query Extenders support, T4 template work.
MongoDB EF Core .NET C# MongoDB 2022 An EF Core provider for the MongoDB document database.
ElasticLINQ .NET C# Centurylink Cloud 2014 LINQ provider for Elasticsearch.
Kontiki .NET C# + VB.NET Global Computing 2007 Multi-jurisdictional, multi-currency, multi-tennant, customizable, localizable payroll.
LINQ to SQL .NET C# Microsoft 2009 Fixes and enhancement to the LINQ to SQL (System.Data.Linq).
L2ST4 .NET C# Open source 2008 Complete T4 template replacement for the LINQ to SQL code generation provided by the designer and SQL Metal.
Netflix .NET C# Netflix 2011-2012 Added post-play to the Silverlight player, various Windows Phone 7 updates and core framework + signup of the Windows 8 application.
NullableTypes .NET C# Open source 2003 Added IXMLSerializable and NullableGuid support.
QuickReminder .NET C# Open source 2006 Simple and quick system-tray based reminder tool.
Xbox Marketplace .NET C# MVC Microsoft 2010 Rewrite of web marketplace.

Windows apps

Title Environment Company Released Description
In/Out SQL Visual Basic Itex Jersey Staff tracking software port to SQL Server
iStation Visual Basic Itex Jersey Image scanning, indexing and viewing software
HTML Colour Assist Delphi 1 (Win16) Envy Technologies Colour selection tool for HTML pages
Resource Launcher Delphi 2 NRG International Ltd. Company-wide app-launcher and system info
Monitor/RA Delphi 2 Envy Technologies 02-Apr-1996 RemoteAccess BBS monitoring and control
ODBC32.PAS Delphi 2 Envy Technologies Port of the ODBC headers from C to Delphi
RA Usr2Db Delphi 2 Envy Technologies Unreleased 25-Aug-1996 RemoteAccess user database export to ODBC
VisualTools/RA Delphi 1 (Win 16) Envy Technologies Unreleased RemoteAccess configuration editor
RA/Xplore Delphi 3 Envy Technologies Unreleased 11-May-1997 RemoteAccess file & message browser
SoftCIDD Delphi 3 Envy Technologies Unreleased 03-May-1997 Caller ID record & display for capable modems
EnvyGate Delphi 3 Envy Technologies Unreleased 05-Feb-1997 Multithreaded SMTP to JAM mail gateway software
ZX Spin Delphi 5, Microangelo Paul Dunn 2003-2004 Created all new icons & options dialog + code for this Spectrum emulator
LushOS Windows Envy Technologies 1996, 2006 Set of replacement animated mouse pointers

Web sites / online services

Title Environment Company Released Description
Black Ice RA, ANSI, HTML Black Ice 1993+ Multi-line BBS coding, management & operation
Envy Tech HTML, ASP Envy Technologies 1996+ Freeware/shareware distribution
Intranet ASP, VBScript, SQL NRG International Ltd. 1997 Intranet with workflow, reporting, staff portal, search etc.
Extranet ASP, VBScript, SQL NRG International Ltd. 1998 Extranet with invoicing, sales analysis, price lists, parts, news, personalisation
Beckfords HTML Envy Technologies 2000+ Simple web site for Beckfords Funeral Services
Brittany ASP, VBScript Envy Technologies 1999+ Simple web site for Brittany Leisure with an online booking form, price calculator
Kentree ASP, VBScript Envy Technologies 2000-2002 Simple web site for Kentree, robotics company
Seymour ASP, VBScript e-scape Interactive 2000-2003 Online pricing calculator for Seymour Hotels
Lloyds TSB ASP, VBScript, SQL C5 Alliance 2000-2004 Web site with content management & online banking for Lloyds TSB Offshore branches
Hill Samuel ASP, VBScript, SQL C5 Alliance 2000+ Web site with content management & online banking
C5 ASP, VBScript, SQL C5 Alliance 2000-2003 Web site with content management & team profiles & MSN integration
Snowblind ASP, VBScript, SQL Contract5/Envy 2001 Framework for rapid, reliable and flexible web development in ASP
Ogier ASP, VBScript, SQL C5 Alliance 2001 Web site with user and advanced XML-based content management
DIJ / DIG ASP, VBScript, SQL Envy Technologies May 2002 Date in Jersey and Date in Guernsey free online dating sites
MKG Marketing Nuxt.JS, TailwindCSS MKG Marketing 2010+ Remote-first tech and cyber security specialized marketing company

Delphi controls

Title Environment Company Released Description
About95 Windows 9x (Delphi 2) Envy Technologies 5-Apr-1996 Windows 95-style about dialog using thunking
Delphi Control Pack Windows 9x (Delphi 2) Envy Technologies 10-Aug-1996 ListView, CheckBox, About Dialog and more in this control pack
Envy Development Pack Windows 32 (Delphi 3) Envy Technologies Aug-1997 Large set of components and controls
Platinum Controls Windows 32 (Delphi 3) Envy Technologies May-1998 Set of Mac OS 8 Platinum look controls
NXCTRL Windows 32 (Delphi 3) Envy Technologies 26-Jul-1998 Set of NeXTSTEP/OpenSTEP look controls

Microsoft Access

Title Environment Company Released Description
Sales Analysis 2.0 NRG International Ltd. 1995 Advanced sales analysis/comparison/budget tools
Resource 2.0 + WISE NRG International Ltd. 1996 Online & offline (CD) file, data, report management, distribution
Brewery2000 2000 Envy Technologies 01-Nov-1999 Brewery stock control, invoicing and reporting
HolidayHome 97 Envy Technologies 1997 Holiday home & customer tracking system
Contact 2.0 Itex Guernsey Contact management software


Title Environment Company Released Description
LightCycles ASIC Freeware 02-Feb-1994 Two-player 3K game based on Tron lightcycles
VMode ASIC Freeware 18-Nov-1995 Video mode switching command-line tool
PauseIt C Freeware 03-Jan-1996 Delay x seconds with time-slicing command-line tool
TV-Door C++ Black Ice/Envy 26-Mar-1995 Early pioneer of the now-and-next seen on Teletext
CoolChat C++ Black Ice/Envy 02-Dec-1995 Multi-line BBS chat software IRC-style
FontPak1 A3E Envy Technologies 18-Oct-1995 Collection of colour ANSI fonts for the A3E ANSI designer
RA-Monitor C++ Envy Technologies 22-Oct-1996 RemoteAccess BBS monitoring and control with multitasking, windowing and mouse support
RA ‘C’ Developer Kit C Envy Technologies 05-Feb-1996 Set of C headers, macros & docs for RemoteAccess development
DOS Fonts Fonts Envy Technologies 26-Apr-1997 Set of free replacement fonts for DOS and full-screen command prompts under XP


Title Environment Company Description
UK Keymap R4 Envy Technologies United Kingdom keymap (shipped with BeOS R4.5)
PCI Detect R4+ Intel (C++) Envy Technologies PCI detection and identification tool (download is source only)
BeLCD R4 (C++) Envy Technologies System information display on Matrix Orbital LCD’s
BeFortunate R5+ (C++) Envy Technologies Fortune cookie style program with source
Mach64 driver R4 Unreleased 50% complete R4 video driver for ATI Mach64 derivatives, accelerated


Title Environment Company Released Description
“Pool” Flash 5/Java e-scape / Camelot Unreleased Fun scratch-card style pool game.
Sticker Tales Windows 8 Attack Pattern 2012 Fun digital sticker game for kids.

Sinclair Spectrum

Title Environment Company Released Description
Samplex Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Public domain 1990 Sound sampling and replay software
EasyList Sinclair BASIC Public domain 1987 ? LIST command replacement with syntax highlighting
DiskDiags Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Public domain 1988 ? Disk and drive diagnostic software
Oxygene demo Z80, Sinclair BASIC Public domain 1990 Sound sample demo of Jarre’s Oxygene IV (using Samplex)
BallDemo Z80, Sinclair BASIC Public domain 1989 ? High-speed spinning checkered ball
MultiFile+3 Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Public domain 1989 ? Disk and file management software for the +3
AutoSlide+3 Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Public domain 1989 ? Make any +3 disk automatically slideshow SCREEN$
Double 2 Sinclair BASIC Public domain 1988 ? Double-height text routine (improvements)
TV Test 2 Sinclair BASIC Public domain 1988 ? TV and monitor testing (improvements)
CharSet Spectrum fonts Public domain 1987-1990 Set of 24 standard format fonts
MiniShow Spectrum SCREEN$ Public domain 1989 ? Slideshow of digitised coloured SCREEN$ (using Rombo-ZX)
The Breakfast Club Demo Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Unreleased 1990 ? Demo of digitised images and sound from The Breakfast Club
Big Bad City Z80, Sinclair BASIC (+3) Unreleased 1990 ? Demo with sound samples from various mixes and tracks
Advanced Toothpaste Sim Sinclair BASIC Unreleased 1987 ? Very silly game, originally intended for Your Sinclair crap game compo
Cat256 Z80 Unreleased 1988 ? Replacement disk catalog tool for large disks
Disk Image Manager Windows Freeware 2003+ Explore, create and modify 3” disk images (.DSK) for +3/CPC/PCW
99 Bottles of Beer Z80 Public domain 2004 Z80 assembler contribution for 99 Bottles of Beer site

Miscellaneous systems

Title Environment Company Released Description
Back to the USSR Commodore Vic 20 (BASIC) Public domain Never Port of a 40K hacking game for the Speccy from C&VG to a 16K Vic-20
WB-Spectrum WindowBlinds Envy Technologies 26 May 1999 Sinclair Spectrum style skin for WindowBlinds
WB-OS X Server WindowBlinds Envy Technologies 28 May 1999 Mac OS X Server 1.0 skin for WindowBlinds
SM-Platinum SysMeter Envy Technologies 08 June 1999 Mac OS Platinum skin for SysMeter 1.0
SM-LCD SysMeter Envy Technologies 10 June 1999 LCD style skin for SysMeter 1.0
NewOS contribs C Travis Geiselbrecht 2002 Process info, kernel API work, serial port bug fixes etc.
SetLEDsMac C/C++/IOKit GPL 2.0 2015 Tool to allow you to set the various modifier key LEDs on the Mac keyboard