ARCAM DVD Player Unofficial FAQ*

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  • 📝 6,577
  • 🕙 30

* Including the DiVA DV88, DV88P, DV88Plus, DV89 and FMJ DV27, DV27Plus, DV27A models

This FAQ is no longer maintained and was last revised 14 March 2004. The author no longer offers support on the topic.










Welcome to the ARCAM DVD Player Unofficial FAQ. I wanted to know a bit more about this machine so I did some digging and researching, this is the result.

Release notes

I have now upgraded to a Denon DV2900. I am very happy. My DV88 will be up for sale on eBay shortly I would imagine.

I am unlikely to continue maintaining the FAQ once it's gone - most of the questions I'm getting asked relate to the DV89 or FMJ series anyway.

Older news

Big news with the DV89 coming out in around 8-10 weeks time with DVD Audio (DVD-A) compatibility. There will be a number of upgrades available for DV88/DV88P/DV88Plus owners around 4-6 weeks after that. Pricing does not yet appear to be fixed but in the 300-750GBP range presumably depending on which model of DV88 you have. What exactly this will entail has yet to be revealed other than the upgrade will take you to full DV89 specification.

Renamed "Arcam DVD Player Unofficial FAQ" as now including details of all Arcam DVD models including the new DV89. Moved to new URL at the old /dv88 address will redirect you.

Also lots of minor updates and a new batch of unofficial drive mechanism firmware updates.


I do not work for Arcam and certainly do not represent them in any way. Neither I nor Arcam will take responsibility for the application or misapplication of these instructions and their consequences to your machine, warranty or other affected items.

Use are your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with this then you are not the intended audience :)

Revision history

Date Updates
22 March 2001 All new FAQ for Arcam DV88
26 March 2002 Added LO16 firmware note to What is the latest firmware?
Added progressive scan setup menu to Does it support progressive scan? - thanks to Harry & Rafael
Added 'Corrs Unplugged, The' to What DVD titles have compatibility issues? - thanks to Quentin Jackson
17 May 2002 Updated latest firmware numbers to 1.78 player and LT37 drive. Thanks to Jon Theobald, Tony Salis and Greg Noel for the info.
Included new LT37 drive firmware.
30 May 2002 Added 1.78 player firmware file as well as LT23 drive firmware file.
09 June 2002 Added 1.79 player firmware to list (no files yet) and separated the two different versions of the LT drive firmware - thanks to Stephane Bernier
20 June 2002 Added notes on Predator: SE (R2) and Apocalypse Now: Redux (R2) compatibility - thanks to Brendan Mason and Alex Ayres
Added info on 1.79 firmware release
Added new chroma-bug question
Added new Sony & Philips players to 'other players'
21 June 2002 Added mp3 format restrictions to full specifications
Spellchecked and tidied up
Added signal characteristics to full specifications
02 July 2002 New 1.79 player firmware
Updated release notes for player firmware
New Arcam documentation on firmware upgrade procedures
Split up/tidied whole firmware section
11 August 2002 Revised where can I buy online to include DV27/DV88P/Prog-scan upgrades
17 August 2002 Added Futurama to compatibility section
12 September 2002 Added details of new DV88Plus model to ship in late September
07 October 2002 Added link to PDF review of the DV27 in Perfect Vision
Added links of the model to photos at Audiophile Systems in General section
Added note of 1.80 firmware to player firmware section
21 October 2002 Added DVD-R compatibility to list of disc types, R1 "Josie & The Pussycats" and "Death To Smoochy" to video compatibility (thanks Steve Monks)
Added Les Miserables to video compatibility (thanks to Steven Phee)
Added extended region code information from DVD Reviewer
13 November 2002 Added 1.80 and 1.81 firmware notes
14 November 2002 Added 1.81 firmware, adjusted current versions and added new Arcam firmware upgrade docs
04 December 2002 Added new information on the DV27Plus
26 February 2003 Added new information on the DV89 and DV88Plus to specifications, DV88Plus handbooks, DV27 Dutch handbook
Information on DV89 and upgrade availability - thanks to Nick Howe
New unofficial drive firmware LO16, LT24 and LT75 - thanks to Giles Herfeld
Removed "How does it compare to other players" - I don't have time to maintain an up-to-date list of competitive machines
Added DVD+R compatibility and request for DVD-RW/DVD+RW compatibility - thanks to Lars H. Geisler
Added additional Pronto/Marantz CCF file - thanks to Simon Davies
01 March 2003 New Can I upgrade my player? section
Added details of the new DV27A model (DV27 + DVD-A)
07 April 2003 Questioning missing region-code changes on 3.0.0 firmware and missing "Allow PAL" progressive on region 1 FMJ27.
Added What other players are worth looking at?
04 June 2003 Corrrected DV88 > DV89 upgrade pricing. Thanks to the many people who mailed me and Arcam for *finally* confirming it.
12 June 2003 Added some thoughts on the DV89 upgrade/purchase against the Denon DVD-2900 in the release notes section.
17 February 2004 Added fix on DTS dropout from Michael Russell that involved switching from coaxial to optical TosLink. Thanks.
14 March 2004 Updated release notes to mention DVD2900 purchase and pending DV88 sale.


If you want to take the FAQ over and know XHTML (not FrontPage or DreamWeaver) then let me know.

I've a number of e-mail addresses but in the interests of not getting spammed by crawlers please send feedback to [email protected] and put some reference to the Arcam/DV88 in the subject as I tend to get a lot of junk mail at this address and it's hard to know what's what.


What are the differences between the models?


Arcam's base-model interlaced DVD player that can additional accommodate a progressive-scan upgrade. Replaced by the DV88Plus. Features:

  • Zoran Vaddis III decoder
  • Available in black or silver finish


Arcam's DV88 player factory-fitted with the progressive-scan upgrade (based on the Silicon Images 503 chip).

DiVA DV88Plus

Arcam's replacement for the DV88 and DV88P with based progressive-scan (utilising the Vaddis V chip) started shipping in late September 2002;

  • Zoran Vaddis V decoder
  • Major overhaul of user-interface - alternate firmware

Note that the DV88 Progressive Scan module (350GBP) can be fitted to this player to give superior progressive scan output utilising the Silicon Images 503 de-interlacer.


Arcam's DVD-Audio enabled version of the DV88Plus to begin shipping in March 2003:

  • DVD-Audio compatibility
  • On-board Dolby Digital & DTS decoding
  • Bass management (all formats)

Note that the DV88 Progressive Scan module (350GBP) can be fitted to this player to give superior progressive scan output utilising the Silicon Images 503 de-interlacer.


Shares many characteristics of the DV88 including the same progressive-scan module but additionally features:

  • Wolfson Electronics WM8740 24bit/192kHz DACs in dual differential mode
  • Precision clock circuits
  • Super clean power supplies
  • Additional toroidal power transformer for audio output circuitry
  • Laminated, anti-vibration Sontech chassis
  • Four layer printed circuit boards for optimum ground paths
  • Ultra low noise performance on both audio and video
  • Suspended transport
  • Available in black or silver finish

FMJ DV27Plus

Unlike the DV88Plus this model is not referred to by name, presumably to avoid leaving dealers with older DV27 stock. You can identify the newer DV27Plus models as they have the LT75 drive firmware factory installed. Additional new features are:

  • Zoran Vaddis V decoder
  • Silicon Image 504 Pure Progressive Scan chip
  • New motherboard design
  • New on-screen display with additional options
  • New drive transport mechanism (LT model C)
  • Official PAL progressive output


DVD-Audio enabled version of the DV27Plus featuring:

  • DVD-Audio compatibility
  • On-board Dolby Digital & DTS decoding
  • Bass management (all formats)

What are the full specifications?

Data formats

  • DVD Video (DVD)
  • DVD Audio (DVD-A) (DV89/DV27A only)
  • Video CD (VCD)
  • Super Video CD (SVCD)
  • CD Audio (CD)
  • MPEG Audio Layer-3 (MP3, 44.1kHz and 48kHz, 64-192Kb/s)
  • High Definition CD (HDCD)

Disc types

  • DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10, DVD-14, DVD-18 (DVD)
  • Compact Disc (CD)
  • Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R)
  • Compact Disc Re-Writable (CD-RW)
  • DVD Recordable (DVD-R, DVD+R)*
    * Unofficial, some success reported including Apple PowerBook with iDVD
  • Super Audio CD (SACD) red-book layer of dual-layer discs (stereo only)*
    * Requires drive firmware LO14/LT18 or higher

Looking for feedback on compatibility with DVD-RW and DVD+RW discs!

Audio support

  • Dolby Digital (DD) bitstream out/stereo down-mix
  • Dolby Digital (DD) decoding (DV89 model only)
  • Digital Theatre Systems (dts) bitstream out
  • Digital Theatre Systems (dts) decoding (DV89 model only)
  • MPEG 5.1 multicam bitstream out
  • Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM)
  • DVD Audio (DVD-A) (DV89/DV27A only)

Video formats

  • NTSC 525i 60Hz
  • NTSC 480p 60Hz (All models except DV88)
  • PAL 625i 50Hz
  • PAL 576p 50Hz* (All models except DV88)
    * Official only on DV27Plus,DV88Plus,DV89,DV27A models

Video functions

  • Scanning at 2x, 4x, 8x, 20x speeds forward & backward
  • Six slow motion forward & backward
  • Frame advance
  • Repeat title/chapter
  • Repeat a/b loop
  • Three level zoom (disc option)
  • Multi-angle (disc option)


  • RGB, Composite (SCART)
  • Composite (phono)
  • S-Video (mini-din)
  • Audio left and right two pairs (4 x phono)
  • RGB, YUV (3 x phono)
  • YUV progressive (3 x phono) (All models except DV88)
  • Digital audio (1 x phono, 1 x optical TOSlink)
  • All phono sockets are gold plated
  • Remote in socket for receiving RC5 codes (DV88Plus)


  • Width 430mm
  • Height 85mm
  • Depth 280mm
  • Weight 4.9kg (DV88/DV88Plus models)
  • Weight 6.1kg (DV27 model)
  • Black or silver finish

Signal characteristics

  • Output level 2.2V rms for 0dB signal
  • Output level 4.4V (DV88 model), 4V (DV88Plus model) rms for 0dB signal (HDCD playback)
  • Frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz +0.1dB, -0.5dB
  • Total harmonic distortion < 0.005% for 1kHz 0dB signal, measured 20Hz-20kHz un-weighted (DV88 model)
  • Total harmonic distortion < 0.005% for 1kHz 0dB signal, measured 22Hz-22kHz un-weighted (DV88Plus model)
  • Signal to noise ratio 105dB measured 20Hz-20kHz un-weighted


  • 115V/230V switch
  • 100V to order
  • Consumption < 30W (DV88/DV88Plus models)
  • Consumption < 45VA (DV27 model)

Can I upgrade my player?

Arcam are expected to offer a number of upgrades. Only the DV88 to DV89 upgrade is officially available. Prices with a ? next to them are estimates. If you have had an upgrade done let us know the price.

From To Available Price (GBP)
DV88 DV88P Now 350
DV88 DV88Plus Q2 2003 400?
DV88 DV89 Q2 2003 650
DV88Plus DV89 Q2 2003 300?
DV27 DV27Plus Q2 2003 400?
DV27 DV27A Q2 2003 500?
DV27Plus DV27A Q2 2003 300

Where can I buy online?

Arcam equipment should ideally be purchased from an Arcam authorised dealer, a full list of which can be found at

Retailer URL Arcam
Model Price
Audio Excellence ? DV88 999.90 GBP
      DV88P 1,299.90 GBP
      DV27 1,599.90 GBP
Audio Lab No DV88 / DV27 POA
Audiophile Systems Yes DV88 1,599 USD
      DV88P 2,099 USD
      DV27 2,599 USD
      PS upgrade 600 USD
Colin Walkington Audio Yes   3,999 NZD
DSE Digital Yes   POA
Jeffries HiFi Yes   999.90 GBP
Lefflers HiFi & Hembio No   16,795 SEK
Peter Tyson Yes   999.90 GBP

Are there any reviews online?

Publication Player URL Rating
Audio Lab DV88 N/A
Audio Review DV88 5/5
Carlton Audio Visual DV88 N/A
DVD Review DV88 10/10
DVD Reviewer DV88 9.5/10
Home Cinema Choice DV88 5/5
  DV27 5/5
Home Entertainment DV88 5/5
Home Theatre & Sound DV88 N/A
Perfect Vision DV27 N/A
T3 DV88 5/5

What other players are worth looking at?

Model DVD-Audio Progressive Multi-region Price Links
Denon 3800 Yes NTSC & PAL Yes 889 GBP Unofficial FAQ
Pioneer 757 Yes NTSC (PAL firmware soon) 3rd party 650 GBP

Why does it make so much noise?

John Dawson of Arcam had the following to say on the matter which was posted to on 25 January 2001. This information relates to the original DV88 models only.

"On the question of drive vibration - for any player of any brand this is dependent on a number of factors - the quality of the drive itself, its suspension system, the mechanical quality of the DVD being played, and the speed at which the disc spins. The speed is fastest when loading menus and at the very beginning of a DVD because they are read from the inside out. If there is some imbalance, then you get vibration in the same way that the wheels of a car can vibrate at certain speeds when the tyres are not fully balanced. This does not matter in practice as long as the DVD is being tracked properly but can be still disconcerting to the user and, in a few cases, has clearly been unacceptable (I certainly agree you should not get noises like a 747 taking off!!). In those cases we will exchange the drive or its disc clamp or if appropriate the whole player. Having said that certain DVDs are much more problematic than others, which is rather beyond our control :-)

For the record we do now screen our drives for vibration and are actively working on an improved suspension system which should effectively take away the issue altogether. It is envisaged that these parts would be retrofittable to existing owner's players should that be appropriate."

Newer models are fitted with newer style feet that eliminates the vibration noise completely.

How do I bring player out of standby without the remote?

Arcam added this facility to the 1.76 firmware, just press Load to bring your player out of standby.

Is there an official FAQ?

Yes, Arcam maintain one that can be found at

Where can I chat with other owners?


Note: Some web sites also allow you to access the Usenet newsgroups listed in the following section (e.g.


If you have newsgroup access and a news reading client you can try the following groups which occasionally discuss the machines;

Are there any other interesting web sites?

Where can I get documentation?

Arcam have kindly made the documentation for their range available on the web however not all of it is currently linked to their documentation page.

You can download the following documentation in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format


  • Handbook (English/French/German) 1.49MB from Arcam or mirror
  • Handbook (Dutch) 395KB from Arcam or mirror
  • Progressive Scan Handbook (English/French/German/Dutch) 64KB from Arcam or mirror

DiVA DV88Plus



Does it support DVD-Audio?

The machines does not support DVD-Audio at this time however an upgrade is planned for March 2003 at least for the DiVA range.

How do I access an MP3 track directly?


You can enter the track number on your remote as you would an audio CD however you have to work out which track is which number in the DV88's play-list.


The user interface now supports choosing MP3 files based on file names and tags.

Is it possible to play MP3's in a random order?

There is currently no support for playing MP3's in a random order. The Play mode button on the remote will not operate while in MP3 mode.

Why can't I hear MP3's through my amplifier/decoder?

According to Meridian the DV88 is incorrectly flagging MP3 PCM output as data instead of PCM which rightly confuses some amplifiers/decoders enough that they will not play the bit-stream. This only applies when the machine is running in bit-stream mode.

Amplifiers/decoders that exhibit this behaviour (don't work)

  • Meridian 561

Amplifiers/decoders that do not exhibit this behaviour (work)

  • Sony STR-DB925


  • Switch the Arcam's digital output to PCM when playing MP3's
  • Attempt to switch your amplifier/decoder to PCM if it is currently on Auto

What CD titles have compatibility issues?

Arcam claim that all known CD incompatibilities have been resolved. If you are still having issues contact Arcam customer services who can arrange for your drive firmware to be upgraded.

Some music labels are now having CD's manufactured with copy-protection (Cactus, SafeAudio) which works by corrupting the data or table of contents on the disk in such a way that most audio CD players will ignore as they do not use error correction. Audio players performing error correction, computer CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives, DVD players, car CD players etc. are often unable to play the disc. Some don't recognise it at all, some have bad tracks, sometimes the sound is affected etc.

Most of these discs are not marked as being corrupted in such a way to prevent coping so if you are having a compatibility problem with an audio disc check it on this list of bad discs UK) or this one (USA) first to see if it has this 'feature'. You can visit Campaign for Digital Rights for more details.


Does it support progressive scan?

All models come factory-fitted with the progressive scan ability except the basic DV88.

To utilise progressive scan you TV must have component video inputs capable of receiving a progressive input. Check with the manufacturer first as televisions listed as having 'Progressive Scan' may apply to the internal image processing and not it's ability to receive a progressive-scan input.

Progressive scan was not enabled on for PAL (576p) on all models because of copyright protection issues. If your machine is one of those where it is not enabled then you will require firmware 1.76 or greater. Press Stop, Setup, 2001 on the remote. This will bring up the progressive scan menu which will give you:

  1. Allow PAL
  2. Allow RGB
  3. Sync on Green

The first of these options will enable PAL (576p) progressive scan. The others are of specialist use and may be required by HDTV or projector equipment.

There has been some debate over the benefits of progressive scan DV players over line-doubling TV's. A good article that explains why a progressive scan DVD player is better can be found at Home Theater HiFi and at Progressive Scan UK.

How do I change my region code?

Changing region code is simple to do on the machine simply press the buttons on the remote in the following sequence stop, eject, 1111 and then the final two digits from the table below.

Code DVD region Video system IRE/Black level
01 1 NTSC 7.5/YUV
02 2 PAL 0/RGB
03 3 PAL 0/RGB
04 4 PAL 0/RGB
05 5 PAL 0/RGB
06 6 PAL 0/RGB
07 2 (Japan) NTSC 0/YUV
08 3 (South Korea) NTSC 7.5/YUV
09 3 (Taiwan) NTSC 7.5/YUV
10 4 (Argentina) PAL-N 0/YUV
11 4 (Brazil) PAL-M 7.5/YUV
12 4 (Chile) NTSC 7.5/YUV
13 Auto

Note: the sequence stop, eject, 1234 then two codes also seems to work however it adjusts many other often undesirable video settings. It is not recommended for use.

Can I play RCE titles?

Code 13 plays all known RCE (Region Code Enhanced). Should this mode prove to have problems with some titles you can always switch to code 01 or code 02.

Is it possible to switch off Macrovision?

While it may be possible to disable Macrovision by either a hardware modification or a remote control code we are as-yet unaware of any such modifications.

There is currently a test case against a US supplier of Macrovision-free players under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Why does my machine flash "Play" several times at the start of discs?

DVD discs can contain titles and chapters. The film is normally in a single title with multiple chapters however often at the start of the disc it will play through several titles, normally each containing one chapter with a company logo. Curiously some models flash Play up on the screen when it changes title. You can switch off all on-screen display items including Play using the OSD option of the setup menu.

How do I stop some of my discs automatically activating subtitles?

Some discs have subtitles on by default unless your player specifically requests otherwise. You can tell your player not to use these defaults and instead have none by going into the setup menu and changing Subtitles from Auto to Off.

What DVD titles have compatibility issues?

There are reports that some DVD's do not function perfectly with these machines. We hope to expand this list of suspect titles based on feedback from the FAQ readers. If you have experienced problems with a DVD, let us know.

There are also reports that a small number of discs are not displaying menu highlights.

Title Problem Problem at firmware Functioning firmware
Anna and the King Audio/lip sync    
Apocalypse Now: Redux (R2) Play movie returns to menu, use scene select to choose first scene instead    
Ben-Hur (R4) No cursor on main menus - other menus OK    
Chain Reaction (R2) Video drops at end of chapter 12 (possibly layer change)    
Corrs Unplugged, The (R4) Dropouts and skips towards end of disc    
Death To Smoochy (R1) Major decoding issues, unwatchable 1.76/LO14  
DVD Platinum (R0) Locks machine solid    
Futurama (R2) No menu cursor/highlights 1.79/LT37  
Josie & The Pussycats (R1) Some freezing early on in the film 1.76/LO14  
Les Miserables Refuses to play Act2 1.79/LT37  
Moulin Rogue (R1) Audio/lip sync on DTS
(this disc also has problems on many other players)
Predator: SE (R2) No menu cursor/highlights.    
Scarface Stuttering video at restaurant scene 1.76/LO15  
Toy Story Boxed Set (R2) Disc 3 (bonus disc) locks machine solid
(this disc also causes problems on many other players including the PlayStation 2)

Is it possible to switch off the "multi-angle" icon that keeps appearing on my screen?

It does not appear to be possible to just switch off the multi-angle icon that appears on screen when these sections are available. You can however switch off all on-screen displays using the OSD option on the setup menu.

Do these machines suffer from the "chroma bug"?

These machines do indeed suffer from the "chroma bug".


I get sound dropouts or picture freezes

Some users have reported these issues which appear to be related to high bit-rate discs such as those with DTS audio tracks. Try the following:

  • Ensure player and drive firmware is up-to-date
  • Check disc is free of dust and scratches
  • Try to reproduce the problem - does it occur in the same place each time?
  • There will be a very short pause of less than 1 second on dual-layer discs when the player reaches the end of the first layer and refocuses on the second layer. This is normal for all DVD players.
  • There are reports of DTS sound dropout on Yamaha players that is believed to be linked to flags the Yamaha does not understand.
  • Try an alternative digital link. In at least one reported case changing from coaxial digital to optical (TosLink) resolved the issue.

If these steps do not help you resolve the problem contact Arcam customer support and let us know too.

I get a large single-track CD or MiniDisc when copying

The processing chip used in the DV88 does not support passing CD or MiniDisc track markers through to the output device.


Does it support discrete iR codes for switching on and off?

The machines as at firmware 1.74 now supports discrete iR codes for switching on and off! They are 123 for on, and 124 for off.

Thanks to Arcam for listening to it's customers and adding this requested feature.

What are the iR codes for programming Intelligent remotes?

The machines uses Philips RC5 codes for remote control.

These codes can be easily input into Philips Pronto/Marantz RC5000 devices but some other devices may have problems with the code toggling between two states. Beginning with Player firmware 1.76 the player will no longer require remote devices to 'toggle' or 'parity-bit' their signals. This will ensure the player is compatible with a wider range of learning remotes.

The device code is 25, the function codes are as follows

Function Code   Function Code
Standby 12   Open 45
Display 18   OK 87
A-B repeat 59   Navigation up 86
Repeat 29   Navigation down 85
1 1   Navigation left 81
2 2   Navigation right 80
3 3   Pause 48
4 4   Play 53
5 5   Stop 54
6 6   Play mode 64
7 7   Subtitle 65
8 8   Title 66
9 9   Menu 67
0 0   Zoom 68
Clear 58   Audio 69
Prog 41   Memory 70
Index back (<) 31   Return 72
Index forward (>) 30   Angle 73
Skip back (<<) 50   Setup 74
Skip forward (>>) 52   Status 75
Next (>|) 32   Search 76
Previous (|<) 33   Power on 123
      Power off 124

Where can I get a pre-made configuration for my Pronto/RC5000?

There are two pre-made configuration CCF files available for the Philips Pronto and Marantz RC5000 controls and are available from at Remote Central. Simon Davies has also supplied Word or his CCF.

What is the latest firmware?

It is highly recommended any firmware updates are performed by your dealer or under direction from Arcam. Allow your distributor a week or so from the released date to receive his firmware update.

Important You can easily render your player unusable by incorrect firmware flashing. Arcam have a guide available in Word or PDF format that covers updating and creating the necessary disks. This guide is designed for their authorised distributors and certainly does not endorse end-user upgrading. You must ensure you select the correct player and drive firmware. Failure to do so will almost certainly result in a non-functional system and an unsympathetic dealer/Arcam support techie.

Players (DV88Plus/FMJ27Plus)

I believe this firmware is only compatible with machines utilising the Vaddis V chipset.

Revision Released Notes (Current) 04 December 2002 Unknown 19 November 2002 Unknown

Player (DV88/DV88P/FMJ27)

This firmware is only compatible with the older Vaddis 3 chipset models.

Revision Released Notes
1.81 (Current) Autumn 2002 Fixes handling of MP3 files with long filenames
1.80 August 2002? Solves some problems with DTS sound dropout
1.79 May 2002 Improved firmware upgrade method (CD now requires CRC.txt to check integrity of dvd8.bin)
New PLL compatibility setting for progressive scan board
Small fault in OSD fixed
1.78 April 2002 Machine info on power-up changed format. Now player release/drive release/machine region/disc region
2 second delay on powering up/out of stand-by
Machines with LT drives spin audio CD's at slower rate (quieter)
1.77 ? Fix to prevent draw opening on power-on (introduced in 1.76)
New subtitle menu option "Closed Caption"
1.76 End 2001 Pluge test option on menu 2
RC5 infrared remote toggle code dependency removed
Load button brings machine out of standby
CD skip back works at 1 second into track
Analogue output for mono added to menu 3
CR9000 learning-remote support
Clock-output enable on progressive scan board
Player must be reset after self test
1.74 April 2001 SACD Hybrid discs working
Additional diagnostics for progressive scan upgrade
Discrete RC5 codes for power on/power off

Drive (LT model C)

This drive is the newer DVS DSL-710A LT Intelligent DVD Loader and can take the following firmware.

Revision Status Released Notes
76 Current 03 December 2002 Unknown changes.
75 Approved 27 October 2002 Unknown changes.

Drive (LT model B)

This drive is the newer DVS DSL-710A LT Intelligent DVD Loader and can take the following firmware.

Revision Status Released Notes
37 Current ? Unknown changes.
36 Approved ? Unknown changes.

Drive (LT model A)

This drive is the original DVS DSL-710A LT Intelligent DVD Loader and can take the following firmware.

Revision Status Released Notes
24 Unapproved 30 March 2002 Unknown changes.
23 Current ? Unknown changes.
21 Unapproved 13 December 2001 Unknown changes.
20 Unapproved 08 October 2001 Unknown changes.
18 Approved 25 August 2001 Current Arcam level.

Drive (LO model)

This drive is the DVS DSL-710A LO Intelligent DVD Loader.

Revision Status Released Notes
17 Unapproved ? Unknown changes.
16 Unapproved 07 September 2001 Unknown changes.
15 Unapproved 28 March 2001 Unknown changes.
14 Current 13 March 2001 Solves some problems with sound dropouts and picture freezes (presumably high bit-rate discs).

Drive (LK model)

This drive is the DVS DSL-710A LK Intelligent DVD Loader.

Revision Status Released Notes
20 Unapproved 16 December 2001 Unknown changes
18 Current 20 September 2000 Final Arcam approved release.

How do I upgrade my firmware?

Both the drive and player firmware are stored in flash RAM. The players current version number is shown on screen when you switch on your machine. The drive firmware version number can be found in the service menu or on newer machines (1.79 firmware upwards) this information is displayed when the unit is powered on.

  1. Don't upgrade unless you have to
  2. Get your Arcam dealer to do it if they can/will
  3. Try to get official Arcam firmware upgrade discs if you can
  4. If all else fails then you can construct the discs yourself in the following section

How do I create the firmware upgrade discs?

  1. You will need a CD-R writer and two blank discs
  2. Use the current firmware levels unless you are trying to solve a specific problem not fixed by the current level
  3. You should be able to use any player firmware however the drive firmware must match your drive model LO/LK/LT2/LT3
  4. It is your responsibility if things go wrong no matter what
  5. Read the documentation on how to prepare the discs and how to flash the machine
  6. Don't be impatient while the machine is flashing, if you interrupt it there will be problems
  7. If it fails your could be left with a non-working machine, your dealer and Arcam may not be very sympathetic and may charge you

How do I access the service mode?

The service mode allows you to choose region and perform a diagnostic self-test. It should be warned however that the "Auto" region setting that can be made from this menu does not appear to function correctly. The sequence is stop, setup, 4, 7, 9, 2.

Power off the player for 5 seconds after using the diagnostic self-test before playing a disc.