Fonts & typography
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Envy Code for programming
Specifically designed for programmers with clean distinct monospaced characters.
- Envy Code R - scalable extensively hinted in regular, bold and italic.
- Envy Code A - bitmapped tight spacing 7pt-12pt in regular and bold.
- Envy Code B - bitmapped relaxed spacing 9pt-10pt in regular, bold, italic and bold italics.
ZX Origins 8x8 bitmaps for games
ZX Origins is a large collection of fonts that started life as 8x8 pixel monospaced fonts on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum now being repackaged in a variety of formats and massively expanded in the subsequent years.
Advent of fonts collections
Each year I've put out a new font every day in December leading up to Christmas. They are a mix of new creations for ZX Origins as well as reproductions of fonts from old systems, apps and games.
- 2024 - 24 days of 8x8 pixel fonts for Christmas 2024
- 2023 - 24 days of 8x8 pixel fonts for Christmas 2023
- 2022 - 24 days of 8x8 pixel fonts for Christmas 2022
- 2021 - 24 days of 8x8 pixel fonts for Christmas 2021
System fonts collection (monospaced)
- Acorn Archimedes 32-bit ARM based desktop computer
- Amstrad CPC home computer range
- Amstrad PCW business computer range
- Atari ST (low-res) 16-bit machine in low-resolution
- BBC Micro (mode 1) 6502 based computer popular in 80's UK schools
- Commodore 128 128k version of popular C64
- Enterprise 128 Enterprise 128 8-bit computer
- Memotech MTX (computer from Weird Science!)
- OpenStep mono terminal font
- Osborne Osbone 1 computer from 70s
- SAM Coupé 8-bit computer from MGT
- Sinclair QL business 68k based machine
- Tasword 3 Tiny 6x3 font used in Tasword word processor
Alternatively a collection of 8x8 bitmap system fonts converted to a variety of formats is available including Apple ][, Amiga Topaz 1, 2, OS 3, Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST Low-Res, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Commodore Vic-20, IBM CGA, Memotech MTX-512, MSX 1, Mullard SAA 5050, Oric Atmos, SAM Coupe, Spectrum, Tatung Einstein and VT-100.
System fonts collection (proportional)
- Chicago 12 Mac original Chicago font at 12pt
- MC6847T1 Motorola MC6847T1 video chip
- PalmOS system font pixel-plotted from screen-shots including 8pt regular+bold & 11pt regular
- Warp Desktop desktop font from IBM's OS/2 Warp 4
- Twiggy Early Mac prototype with 'Twiggy' floppy drives 12pt
Game font recoveries
- Defender of the Crown from Cinemaware's Amiga classic
- Discworld from the crazy point 'n click adventure
- Beneath a Steel Sky from distopian point 'n click adventure
Movie font reproductions
- Tron Legacy screen font, complete with non-monospaced mistakes
- WarGames font inspired by how their screens looked enlarged in some shots
FontStruct fresh creations
FontStruct is a great tool for putting together block-based fonts. I've developed a few there over the years.
- Broadway tiny 1920's broadway sign inspired
- Curvature weird curved experiment
- Doty Matrix retro font created for an ill-fated game
- Gateaux tall and thin font with flowing style
- Lickable5 small 5x5 pixel font with additional points to force aliasing
- Magic5 small 5x5 pixel monospaced font also available in bold
- Point 'n Click proportional font that should look good in point 'n click adventures
- SixByFourPro small 6x4 pixel proportional font
- Subpixel5 small 5x5 pixel proportional font that fakes sub-pixels for anti-aliasing
- Tiny small 5x3 pixel proportional font
Hand-drawn iFontMaker fun
A couple for a bit of fun using iFontMaker when I still had an iPad:
- Damien Typewriter the mean fusion of American Typewriter meets Comic Sans.
- Damien Vertical a vertical, straight, neat, hand-drawn type.