
A 2021 release that’s been sat around since 2020 but it was time to let it free or send it to the big bit bucket in the sky. It escaped and perhaps it’ll find a new home after all.

One of the problems with designing for 8x8 is the desire to want to stretch all the characters out to be the same size where possible. In real life large-scale proportional fonts this does not happen. M and W aren’t the only wide characters, O and G can be quite wide and other characters go narrow like J. I’ve done this in a few of my fonts but not in a bold.

The result is quite pleasant although the advantages of a proportional renderer are quite apparent. I also went with small-caps lower case because why not, I’ve been using that as a cheat for a few fonts now, expect a return to normality soon enough.

Can be seen in Little Birb's Adventure.

Styles & variants