Guernsey broadband services
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- 📝 127 words
- 🕙 1 minute
- 📦 Guernsey
- 🏷️ broadband, Cable & Wireless
- 💬 1 response
I want faster DSL…. 512KB just isn’t cutting it, I used to enjoy 2MB in Jersey… Let’s examine the pricing shall we…
- 512 KB
- Jersey Telecom 24.99
- C&W Guernsey 26.99
- 1 MB
- C&W UK 24.99
- Jersey Telecom 44.99
- C&W Guernsey 149.99
- 2 MB
- C&W UK 29.99
- Jersey Telecom 84.99
- C&W Guernsey 189.99
Yes you could argue the C&W Gsy has better contention ratios but the fact is they don’t even offer a home service for anything above 512KB.
C&W Gsy have announced broadband upgrades… It sounds like they’ll be upping everybody to 1MB “for free”. In fact I think they are cutting the price for 512KB and introducing a 1MB service at the old price… and just upgrading everybody to make sure they don’t loose revenue.
1 response to Guernsey broadband services
The BBC has recently posted a story about 512k ADSL being as cheap as £9.99.
The company offering the cheap ADSL is UK Online and they are also offering 8Mb for as little as £29.99.