Write your own Skype license agreement

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Skype EULA being edited

Whilst installing the latest version of Skype on my Mac a few days ago I noticed something very unusual.

The text of the end user license agreement was editable.

Being that software companies claim these are legally binding agreements between them and the user perhaps I now own the rights to Skype after my little creative writing ;-)

Which would make me a rich man indeed, the cakes are on me!


3 responses to Write your own Skype license agreement

  1. Avatar for

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  2. Avatar for Debbie Timmins
    Debbie Timmins

    I hope you ‘Accepted’ :)

  3. Avatar for Rik Hemsley

    Well, this post turned up in my feed (Google Reader).

    You should try editing a reply in Firefox. If your lines are longer than the width of this textarea , you can’t see the ends of them. overflow: hidden?