Generated Excerpts for Nuxt3 Content
- 📅
- 📝 377 words
- 🕙 2 minutes
- 📦 Development
- 🏷️ Nuxt, webdev
Nuxt3 has been my stack of choice for a while now and it was time to port my site over from Nuxt2 — an exercise in itself I should blog about — but more concretely is the idea of excerpts.
Basically when you have a list of articles you want to show a short snippet of the article to entice the reader to click on it. This can either be the description if it’s a simple one-liner used in a card for example, or it can be the start of the article itself. Nuxt’s Content v2 supports generating excerpts for you by taking the content up to the <!--more-->
marker in the text as the excerpt.
This is great if you’ve done it but if you haven’t you get absolutely nothing!
We can address that with a short snippet of code and the trusty content:file:afterParse
hook in much the same way as we did for the reading time plugin. Create a new file (e.g. content-excerpts.ts
in your server\plugins
with the following contents:
import type { MarkdownNode, MarkdownRoot, ParsedContent } from "@nuxt/content"
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
nitroApp.hooks.hook("content:file:afterParse", (file) => {
if (file._id.endsWith(".md") && file.body) {
const addExcerpt = (file: ParsedContent) => {
if (file.excerpt) return
const excerpt: MarkdownRoot = { type: "root", children: [] }
let paragraphsToInclude = 2
visit(file.body!.children, (n) => {
if (paragraphsToInclude == 0) return
if (n?.tag == "p") {
file.excerpt = excerpt
const withRemovedLinks = (n: MarkdownNode): MarkdownNode => {
const node: MarkdownNode = {
type: n.type,
value: n.value,
tag: n.tag,
props: n.props,
attributes: n.attributes,
children: [] as MarkdownNode[],
visit(n.children!, (c) => {
if (c.tag != "a") {
return node
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