Blog posts page 17 of 44

Publishing .NET applications with prerequisites

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  • 📦 .NET

Now .NET 3.5 is shipping I took the opportunity to update one of our internal applications and elected to have it install the necessary components (in this case the .NET Framework 3.5) using the Download prerequisites from the same location as my applicationDownload prerequisites from the same location as my application option.

When trying to install the application via the IIS web server the installer would fail with a download error.

Calculating CRC-64 in C# and .NET

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  • 📦 .NET

Seeing how the CRC-32 C# class I posted some time ago continues to get lots of Google hits I thought I’d post a CRC-64 version which will no doubt be far less popular being the more limited use. Again, do not use this as a secure message signature, it’s really for backward compatibility with legacy systems.

This is the ISO-3309 version of CRC-64 algorithm. It is not compatible with the ECMA-182 algorithm.

Droid font family courtesy of Google & Ascender

Google’s Android project, an open platform for mobile devices, has been hitting the news a lot in the last couple of days with it’s open APIs, Java-based development platform and optimized virtual machine.

One thing not too many people have yet been raving over is the lovely set of typefaces from Ascender Fonts known as the Droid family.

Droid Sans Mono great coding font

Google’s Android project, an open platform for mobile devices, has been hitting the news a lot in the last couple of days with it’s open APIs, Java-based development platform and optimized virtual machine which includes the lovely set of typefaces from Ascender known as the Droid family.

Check out previous coverage of the well-known and lesser-known coding fonts.

Show Package Contents in Mac OS X

Bundles are a concept in Mac OS X whereby a specially named folder becomes what appears to casual users to simply be a file that can be copied as usual and often launched by double-clicking on it.

Other operating systems have file formats that are little more than containers for other files and in doing so keep those interesting resources out of your reach. (Okay, we have DMG but that’s more of a transportation mechanism like ZIP, TAR etc.)

SQL Server replication blocking on cleanup job

For some time my primary workplace has been having a problem with SQL Server replication delaying for several minutes at a time which is surprising given the 12GB of RAM and quad processor hardware behind it.

Activity Monitor showed a number of processes on the distribution database used for SQL Server’s replication were blocked by another process which was in turn blocked by a SQL Agent — TSQL Job executing on the distribution database.

Dissecting a C# Application – Inside SharpDevelop

Cover of Dissecting a C# ApplicationThis great book shows you the process, thinking and code behind the open-source .NET IDE SharpDevelop that went on to branch into MonoDevelop.

It was not in print for very long but Apress bought Wrox when they closed down and made the book freely available on its site for download in PDF format.

Using GUIDs as row identifiers

Wade Wright is preaching that IDs in a database should always be GUIDs and lists four reasons. I commented there with my opinions but it hasn’t shown up — some people like to censor if you don’t agree with them completely. My points addressing each of his four ‘reasons’ were:

He does acknowledge that querying the database by hand is a bit of a pain but underestimates the Guid/uniqueidentifier performance penalty in SQL Server especially with regards to INSERTs (might be able to optimize there by having .NET generate the GUID instead of SQL Server).