10 blog posts tagged AnkhSVN

AnkhSVN 2.0 – free Subversion integration with Visual Studio

The guys over on the AnkhSVN team have acquired new members and burnt the midnight oil to deliver a great 2.0 release with:

Despite all these great features it’sΒ absolutely freeabsolutely free and still works with older versions of Subversion and both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008.

Recent activities and inactivities

It has been a crazy couple of months between moving home, spending a week in Seattle and a couple of days in Holland for my real day job (the source of income!)

It was a little too close to my USA trip which has meant I’ve missed my niece trick-or-treating for the first time since I returned to Guernsey 3 years ago which leaves me a little sad. I guess I should be grateful for not being hit with jet-lag and the fact I’m surviving just fine on 5.5 hours of sleep a day which tonight is in a cubicle hotel…

What are you doing for the next 6 months to be a better developer?

Scott Hanselman posed the open question on his Hanselminutes podcast and there have already been some good responses. My own plan includes:

My girlfriend gave me the well-regarded Code Complete, Second Editionfor my birthday. I shall read it cover to cover and adopt good practices I am not currently practicing.

DiffMerge is free, try it with AnkhSVN

SourceGear, known for their Vault source control software, are giving away their three-way diff & merge tool DiffMerge for Windows, Mac and Unix.

DiffMerge has a clear interface and supports for file-type specific rule-sets that allow you to decide how to deal with white-space, line-endings, encoding etc.

AnkhSVN 1.0 released (Subversion plug-in for Visual Studio)

AnkhSVN 1.0 has been released!

If you use Visual Studio 2003 or 2005 and are currently either using the TortoiseSVN shell extension (or Subversion command line) then you would do well to see just how much more productive having source-control available from within the IDE can be.

What I’m up to at the moment

The project I’ve been working on professionally for the last two years reaches a milestone this week and so is a great opportunity to take a well-deserved break for a couple of weeks.

I was hoping to head out somewhere as far out as Japan but things are held up in a complicated set of scheduling dependencies and a looming demo to investors.

AnkhSVN & TortoiseSVN

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I’m proud to announce that I’ve joined the AnkhSVN team, albeit in a rather minor capacity.

For the last few weeks I’ve been working on a set of new icons to add a bit of sparkle to the user interface for the forthcoming AnkhSVN 1.0 release. There is a good chance they will make the next release candidate that’s on it’s way to address some issues with delete/remove functionality.