3 blog posts tagged analytics

Notes on Edward Tufteโ€™s Presenting Data and Information

Here are my notes from todayโ€™s event by renowned statistician Edward Tufte โ€“ author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and Envisaging Information primarily for my own reference but perhaps of interest to others.

No announcement, no preamble. The lights went out, and a visually striking video showing a representation of music started. Conversations were immediately hushed, and devices put away. An effective technique to get attention and signal an absolute start.

Google nuggets

As a frequent user of many of Googleโ€™s various services I continually find myself finding new tips and tricks for getting the most out of them. Here are a few to share;

Gmail are constantly introducing new features however the localised user-interfaces are often lagging behind and failing to expose the options. Set your language to โ€œEnglish (US)โ€ to get access to the latest options.