Advent of Fonts 2024

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December 2024 sees the fourth year of my Advent of Fonts project where I published a 24-day advent calendar of 8x8 pixel on Mastodon.

Many will be original designs or significantly-extended (normally at least adding a lower-case) and make it into my ZX Origins the straight ports and conversions are listed here as they are not part of that collection.

Those ports needed a home, so as usual they are presented here.

  1. ZX Amelia
  2. Indiana Jones Atlantis
  3. Scarlet
  4. Leander
  5. IBM 3270
  6. Radial
  7. Hydra
  8. Wand
  9. Bomb Jack ZX
  10. Patrol
  11. Yie Ar Kung Fu 128K
  12. Brashi
  13. Delphine
  14. Doublewear
  15. Colonization
  16. Jam Italia (was Exscusi)
  17. Chylos
  18. Tanzanite
  19. Rugrats: Time Travelers
  20. Star Maker
  21. Shadow of the Beast (ZX/CPC)
  22. ZX Gona
  23. Revolution
  24. Comical
  25. Z88

Day 2 — Indiana Jones Atlantis

Lucas Arts point ‘n click adventures started on the Commodore 64 and Monkey Island took the C64 font with a slight mod to the x-height on ascenders.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis polished that further and introduced a non-bold weight and a tiny map font which I’ve fleshed out here to include lower-case and symbols.

Download Indiana Jones Atlantis fonts

Screenshot of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on the Commodore AmigaScreenshot of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on the Commodore AmigaModified screenshot of Andy Capp on the ZX Spectrum using the Indiana Jones Atlantis fontModified screenshot of Gangster Town on the SEGA Master system showing qualifying stats

Day 4 — Leander

The side-scroller Leander from Psygnosis bears more than a resemblance to their Shadow of the Beast and while the in-game fonts are okay it’s the title font that really stands out with it’s stylish curves and serif-induced strokes.

Here’s a conversion of the title font with some extra glyphs to round it off.

Download Leander font

Screenshot of Leander on the Commodore AmigaScreenshot of Leander on the Commodore AmigaModified screenshot of Alternate Reality on the Atari 8-bitModified screenshot of The Keys to Maramon on the IBM PC/DOS

Day 5 — IBM 3270

IBM’s 1971 terminal set the stage for “green screen” interfaces for a few decades even long after the addition of a few more colours.

The terminal font is surprisingly stylised for a business machine and it’s reproduced here as best as it can in an 8x8 pixel font with bold variant.

Download IBM 3270 fonts

Modified screenshot of Total Recall title screen on the ZX SpectrumModified screenshot of the Amstrad CPC boot screenModified screenshot of Future Wars on the PC

Day 7 — Hydra

You might recognize Colin Brignall’s 1968 font Revue from Yu Suzuki’s 16-bit 1987 classic After Burner where it was used for the title screen and arcade livery.

Curiously the in-game font is an adaptation of Stop but Atari came through a few years later with a great adaptation of Revue in their 1990 coin-op Hydra.

Download Hydra font

Modified screenshot of Elite on the BBC MicroModified screenshot of ZX Spectrum +3 boot screenScreenshot of the Hydra arcade game by Atari

Day 9 — Bomb Jack ZX

Tehkan’s 1984 arcade platformer Bomb Jack was a banger — instantly easy to get into and fun gameplay that was tricky to master.

While the arcade sported the now-famous Atari arcade font Elite System’s 1986 Sinclair Spectrum conversion by Paul Holmes, Andy Williams and Karen Trueman went with a completely custom and rustic font of their own. The upper case letters were later used on Elite’s Scooby-Doo game on both the Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.

Download Bomb Jack ZX font

Modified screenshot of Ghosts'n Goblins in the arcadeModified screenshot of Hibernated on the Amstrad CPCModified screenshot of Jester Quest on the ZX SpectrumScreenshot of Bomb Jack title screen on the ZX Spectrum

Day 11 — Yie Ar Kung-Fu 128K

Home ports often neglect the arcade font of the original and the initial ZX Spectrum port of Yie Ar Kung Fu was no exception using the boring Speccy ROM font.

The 128K promoting Stars on the 128 bundle included an 128K only version by Brian Beuken that featured this beautiful and unique brush-stroke full-height font. I created symbols & small-caps lower case in the style.

Download Yie Ar Kung Fu font

Modified screenshot of The Addams Family on the ZX SpectrumModified screenshot of Hijack on the ZX SpectrumScreenshot of Yie Ar Kung Fu 128K on the ZX SpectrumScreenshot of Yie Ar Kung Fu 128K on the ZX Spectrum

Day 13 — Delphine

French software house Delphine produced some fine games in their time from point ‘n click classics to rotoscoped cutting-edge platformers.

This bumper pack contains 4 fonts. A neat wide sans from Future Wars/Operation Stealth, the quirky UI font from Another World, a high-contrast art-deco from Flashback, and a striking bold font from the Genesis version of Shaq Fu!

Download Delphine fonts

Screenshot of Flashback on the AmigaModified screenshot of Operation Stealth on the AmigaScreenshot of Another World on the AmigaScreenshot of Shaq Fu on the SEGA Genesis

Day 15 — Colonization

Sid Meier is a legend in the empire-building sim games world. From Pirates! in 1987 to Civ 6 in 2016 you’d be hard pressed to find anyone else with more great sims under their belt let alone their name in the title.

This pack reproduces three complimentary fonts — a serif, a sans and a mini, all from the 1995 classic Sid Meier’s Colonization.

Download Colonization fonts

Screenshot of Colonization on the AmigaScreenshot of Colonization on the Amiga

Day 17 — Chylos

GEOS is a massively underappreciated piece of computing history providing usable Mac-like UI on 8-bit machines with a fraction of the available power.

It was also home to many great proportional and varied-sized bitmap fonts including this absolute gem found tucked away in a Glenn Holmer’s “Cenbe Font Catalog” PDF. I couldn’t find any information beyond this such as the designer.

Download Chylos font

Modified screenshot of A Rock Star Ate My Hamster on the Atari STModified screenshot of Tai Pan on the ZX SpectrumModified screenshot of The Neverending Story on the Commodore 64Modified screenshot of The Curse of Rabenstein on the Amstrad CPC

Day 19 — Rugrats: Time Travelers

This 1999 Game Boy Color game was based on the Nickelodeon kids TV show Rugrats and created by UK software firm Software Creations.

It features a fun, friendly, yet readable font that works very well in the constrained grid.

Download Rugrats: Time Travelers font

Screenshot of Rugrats: Time Travel on the Game Boy ColorScreenshot of Rugrats: Time Travel on the Game Boy ColorModified screenshot of Andy Capp on the ZX SpectrumModified screenshot of GEM Desktop on the Atari ST

Day 21 — Shadow of the Beast (ZX/CPC)

Shadow of the Beast was a gorgeous atmospheric Amiga game that struggled to fit into less powerful machines.

The Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum versions while graphically constrained did however include this gorgeous 8x8 bitmap font.

Download Shadow of the Beast font

Screenshot of the Shadow of the Beast title screen on the ZX SpectrumScreenshot of the Shadow of the Beast on the Amstrad CPCModified screenshot of Dragon Warrior on the Nintendo Entertainment SystemModified screenshot of Slaine on the ZX Spectrum

Day 23 — Revolution

Revolution Software published some of my favourite point’n click adventures — Beneath a Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress and of course the excellent Broken Sword series (which we deserve a movie or animated show of).

Included here is the fonts to those but alas the Broken Sword font didn’t fit so I took the GBA version which is just a render of OCR-B I think (so not pictured).

Download Revolution fonts

Screenshot of Lure of the Temptress on the AmigaScreenshot of Lure of the Temptress on the AmigaScreenshot of Beneath a Steel Sky on the PC (VGA)Screenshot of Beneath a Steel Sky on the PC (VGA)

Day 25 — Z88

The Z80-powered Cambridge Z88 was an A4 lightweight portable that has built-in office-style apps and BBC Basic powered by 4xAA batteries for about 20 hours usage.

This pack includes the regular and bold versions of the Z88 font as well as the small font & lesser-used wide/bold font which I extended with lower-case.

Modified screenshot of GEM on the Atari STModified screenshot of the start-up screen on the Amstrad CPC 6128Modified screenshot of the start-up screen on a MSXModified screenshot of Gauntlet 2 on an arcade machine