Quasar There is no escape for the light.

A 2021 release of a design that had been sitting around for a while - at least since 2020 perhaps earlier - that never felt quite done or right. I eventually decided to just release the font anyway and in doing so tried to think of a name and decided that a spacey-name would be good which led to me remembering the Battlestar Galactica logo which has a similar theme.

At that point I simply moved around where the gaps on each letter were to be more in tune with the Battlestar logo instead of the seemingly-random decisions I had made previously... and that worked in pulling the font together.

It works nicely for titles and headings but please stay away from anything longer than a few words and use sparingly. If you want a more readable spacey-type theme check out some of my alternatives from the collection that also share a space theme.

Can be seen in BorielRACE.

Simulated usage