Riverbank Tales of The Riverbank: The Next Generation

Another one that started in 2019 that took some time to polish-off for release. The challenge here was to try and get a very clean looking flowing hand-written type. I'd already had a go with the hand-written style in Forgotten and a flowing type in Coolant but not both together. It's especially challenging in a mono-space font because joining the characters is important and you don't want long horizontal strokes creating 'dashes' between letters.

I think it came out quite well. It's readable (at least on LCD screens, I have yet to try it on a CRT) and can even work for text adventures if your audience can read "cursive" (most people interested in text-adventures are old enough to be able to read/write it I suspect but it's probably not a bad idea to let them toggle to something simpler).

Simulated usage