3 blog posts tagged spam

Calendar spam, the next nuisance?

Tomorrow morning at 5am where I can enjoy an advanced fee scam! I’ve had these in email format before but never in my calendar…

Oddly there are no emails about this in my inbox and I sure didn’t tell it to add one to my calendar. As there is no ‘Report Spam’ link for calendar entries I had to return to calendar view, delete it from there and hope nothing else shows up.

QXL disregard their own privacy policy

On the 16th of June an email appeared in my inbox with the subject “Love football, gambling and DVDs?”. Strange, the Gmail spam filter normally does a sterling job of blocking these.

Dear entertainment lover, It’s not long now until the first England game, and everyone’s talking about football and making bets. Well we at ScreenSelect.co.uk are no different but we also realize that there’s plenty of time between games for other forms of entertainment. ”