76 blog posts categorised Apple

Mac OS System 9 on Windows

Iā€™m often digging into old bitmap font and UX design out of curiosityĀ ā€” and someday hope to revive a lot of these fonts in more modern formats using a pipeline similar to that for ZX Origins so we can get all the usable fonts, screenshots etc. out ofĀ them.

One limitation Iā€™ve run into is digging into old Macintosh fonts. While James Friendā€™s PCE.jsĀ puts System 6 and System 7 at your fingertips when it comes to later MacOS 7.5, 8 or 9 releases the site doesnā€™t have you covered as PCE doesnā€™t support PowerPC emulation (it emulates Motorola 68000 and Intel 8086Ā processors).

Make Home & End keys behave like Windows on Mac OS X

Iā€™ve been using Mac OS X daily since 2001 when I purchased my Titanium PowerBook. I still canā€™t get used the Home and End keyĀ behaviour.

If, like me, you want Home to send you to the start of the line and not to the top of the document, then create a fileĀ called DefaultKeyBinding.dictDefaultKeyBinding.dict in your ~/Library/KeyBindings~/Library/KeyBindings folder (might need to create that folder too) with the followingĀ contents:

What to do before your iTunes Match subscription expires

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At $25 a year the iTunes Match service can be a little tough to swallow given all it does is synchronize your music across iTunes especially when other file-sharing services are cheaper and more general purpose (OneDrive, Mega, DropBoxĀ etc).

One important thing to know however before you let your subscription lapse or cancel is that once itā€™s gone all your cloud-backed-up music will beĀ unavailable.

A case for my MacBook Pro: Snugg wallet case review

I did it. Earlier this year I caved and purchased a MacBook Pro 15ā€³ Retina after being Mac-less for a few months despite some reservations about the lack of upgradeĀ options.

Finally I had a lovely unibody machine. Now I needed something to prevent the beating my 17ā€³ acquired over the yearsĀ ā€” something with a bit of padding to prevent the occasional bump as my backpacks tend to be veryĀ thin.

MacBook Pro 256GB SSD upgrade experience

I wanted an SSD for some time and finally caved in. Armed with credit card, screwdriverĀ and trusty MacBook Pro I fitted a sweet SSD and decided to document theĀ experience.

There are a bewildering number of options out there. Budget, as always, dictates the combination of speed and sizeĀ available.

MacBook Pro two year check-in

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Itā€™s been an interesting couple of years with nothing but a maxed-out MacBook Pro 17ā€³ as my only homeĀ machine.

The hard drive died but time machine held my hand. At ALT.NET Seattle 2009 my backpack took a dive that left a dent in one corner. The battery was replaced and I roped GrinGod into obtaining a replacement UK-style \ key from the UK after some franticĀ typing.

First impressions of Snow Leopard

I came home from work today to find my family pack upgrade version of Snow Leopard. Itā€™s been a few hours, so here are impressions soĀ far.

The packaging was very small and lightweight and eco-friendly compared to the big-plastic-box-monsters that come out ofĀ Redmond.

Disappointing new MacBook Pros

Like many other MacBook Pro owners Iā€™ve been waiting for the October 14th event with some excitement. The highlightsĀ include:

But the downsides are also worth noting, all of which make me think when I replace my 2.6GHz 17ā€³ MBP in a year Apple arenā€™t going to have something I want to replace itĀ with.

MobileMe up and down at me.com

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MobileMeMe.com was up, briefly, just long enough for me to grab my usual handle and get the confirmation message inĀ fact.

I did get a brief glimpse of the UI complete with a Finder-like view of various folders once I clicked past a warning about Internet Explorer 7 not being supported. Seconds later things stopped responding and then the original placeholder wasĀ back.

What I would like to see in Snow Leopard

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The word is out that Snow Leopard will be about trimming down LeopardĀ ā€” likely Appleā€™s effort to switch to lower-capacity solid-storage such as found in the MacBook Air and perhaps future iPhones and maybe aĀ tablet.

Mac OS X binaries have always been on the large size containing as they do multiple human languages and processor code (PPC, X86, X64) and it will be good that you donā€™t need to keep running TrimTheFat or XSlimmer to get themĀ down.

Boot Camp 2.1, VMware Fusion 1.1.2 and MacBook Pro firmware

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Apple have released Boot Camp 2.1 which finally includes official 64-bit support on Vista and support for Windows XP Service PackĀ 3.

This update may mean that 3D games will play without locking up or installing Nvidiaā€™s own drivers and that the track-pad functions correctly again (broken since Boot CampĀ 1.x)

Four Windows apps for home-sick Mac users

Delicious Library is a DVD, game and book organization tool Iā€™ve been using since my PowerBook G4 and a 2.0 version has been dangling from Wil Shipleyā€™s mouth longer than I care toĀ remember.

Windows users however willĀ find Libra a very interesting clone and it features some of the same great features such as bar-code scanning via a web cam, tracking loans, a rendered virtual shelf and fastĀ queries.

What being open means to Apple & Microsoft

Former Apple engineer Jens AlfkeĀ believes Appleā€™s external image has been polished untilĀ featureless. The restrictive staff blogging policies, the veil of secrecy around future plans and a carefully orchestrated three-person spokes-team of Jobs, Schiller and Ive lead to a very impersonal closedĀ business.

It certainly wasnā€™t always this way.Ā The original Mac team appeared in Rolling StoneĀ magazine with credit in about boxes, a practice that was continued at NeXT but abolished by Mac OS X Beta. Jobs makes regular comparisons between engineers and artists and touted individual thinking inĀ the Think Different campaign and artists like recognition with signatures on art and credits onĀ film.

Whatā€™s in your laptop bag?

Since my new laptop arrived Iā€™ve been fine tuning my accessories in search of the developer-on-the-move setup. Here is my current contents complete with shameless Amazon Affiliate product links where applicableĀ ;-)

My parents bought meĀ the Brenthaven Pro 15ā€“17Ā Backpack for Christmas. It has a great number of sections and compartments yet can still be thinly packed with the padding contributing to a comfortable wear. The only negatives are that the finish seems a little rough in places and that the rigid laptop protection area seems to be designed to hold a laptop almost twice as thick as a MacBook Pro despite claims of being ā€˜Designed for a 15.4ā€³ MacBook and 17ā€³ MacBookĀ Proā€™.

Mac freebies for Christmas

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Spaces is new in Leopard bringing virtual desktops to the masses. Leopard gives you a number of ways to switch between spaces including a menu-item drop down and configurable keyboardĀ shortcuts.

To move a window to another space you drag it to the edge of the screen and wait a moment but curiously you canā€™t use this great technique without a window toĀ switch!

One week with a MacBook Pro 17ā€³

It has been one week since I picked up my new MacBook Pro 17ā€³ to replace my aging first-generation 15ā€³Ā model.

My initial concern was that the size and weight would be unwieldy after 4 years of lugging around a 15ā€³ MacBook Pro and a prior to that a Titanium PowerBook G4. The actual problem was that my trusty Samsonite Trunk & Co. backpack could not accommodate it and that Iā€™d have to hope SantaĀ would deliver something a littleĀ bigger. Being properly kitted up might reveal if the dimensions and weight are uncomfortable so expect an update once Iā€™ve travelled with theĀ beast.

More free Mac software picks

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Wake up every morning to your iTunes playlist without the danger of an app launching it and having a problem/update pending that prevents you getting to work onĀ time.

Alarm Clock 2 also includes Timers (great for a quick 20 minute power nap) and Stopwatches alongside the normal one-off or regular scheduled alarm that will bring both you and your machine out of sleep ready for that early-morning emailĀ check.

Windows Experience Index on MacBook Pro 2GHz compared

I just got the opportunity to try out the latest version of VMware and thought Iā€™d do aĀ quick Windows Experience Index on Boot Camp, Parallels and VMware to see what the performance is like before my new MacBook Pro 17ā€³ arrives (hopefully onĀ Friday!)

When I installed Leopard on my machine I took the opportunity to carve out a dedicated 20GB partition again to put a fresh install of Vista on. As well as being able to boot natively this also now means I can run my single Windows partition switching between native, Parallels or VMware at will whichĀ admittedly drives Windows ActivationĀ crazy.

Show Package Contents in Mac OS X

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Bundles are a concept in Mac OS X whereby a specially named folder becomes what appears to casual users to simply be a file that can be copied as usual and often launched by double-clicking onĀ it.

Other operating systems have file formats that are little more than containers for other files and in doing so keep those interesting resources out of your reach. (Okay, we have DMG but thatā€™s more of a transportation mechanism like ZIP, TARĀ etc.)

MacBook Pro 17ā€³ 2.6GHz ordered

Since moving house I have been using my MacBook Pro 15ā€³ 2.0GHz at home, for contracting and even for the odd diagnostics and organization in theĀ office.

The last 20 months have been a bumpy ride with the logic board being replaced twice once for whining and the second time when the inner memory slot went dead. The battery has been recalled and the power supply cable started melting and the paint started flaking off the enclosure but thankfully Apple sorted out all these problems rather swiftly with advanced replacement parts and speedy repairs through local serviceĀ centers iQ Guernsey and Guernsey Computers.

Freeing up disk space on Mac OS X

Space was a little tight (5GB) after my upgrade to Leopard and so I went on the hunt to free up space and ended up freeing almost 20GB of my 100GB diskĀ ā€” enough to let me set-up a new 20GB Boot Camp partition that will host Vista and take over from my XP Pro Parallels image with anyĀ luck.

Disk Inventory X helps identify large files on your system which may no longer be required. In my case 8GB of imported iMovie clips, a 4GB Parallels backup HD image and a 140MB download of Boot Camp 1.4. A few blank DVD-Rā€™s later and Iā€™m almost 13GBĀ lighter.

Mac OS X Leopard ā€“ my story so far

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I couldnā€™t pick up a copy in the USA as the Seattle store was closed for remodeling and when they said October 26th, they meant at 5pm and not 9am, go figure! Thankfully IQ in Guernsey had them in-stock when I arrived back homeĀ Saturday.

Itā€™s good, but I wouldnā€™t say twice as good as a usual OS X upgradeā€¦ which is almost how long itĀ took.

Pixelmator for Mac released

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One of the things I love about Apple is the way they enhance Mac OS X with great features for other developers to leverage. Built-in spell-checking, incredibly rich edit controls, development environment and the recent Core frameworks are suchĀ additions. Core Image allows applications access to real-time hardware-accelerated graphic effects and is used within some of Appleā€™s own apps for variousĀ effects.

Pixelmator is the product of a two-man team that provides Photoshop like abilities for $59. Apple would not ship such a product for fear of further upsettingĀ Adobe.

In search of the perfect keyboard

I started programming at 12 and have been fortunate to carve out a successful career in something I love to do. People find it strange when I talk with passion about IDEs, fonts, color schemes, mice andĀ keyboards.

To me it seems perfectly natural when you consider a writer has strong preference and passion for pens and notebooks and photographers spend a small fortune on specific lenses and cameras to get the shot theyĀ want.

Confusing co-workers, family and friends for fun

Everybody enjoys a good laugh and there are some fun simple things that can confuse your co-workers, family or friends for a fewĀ minutes.

Hereā€™s a few tricks that mayā€¦ or may not cause some amusement. Just make sure you step in before they need to call their IT supportĀ guy!

iPod refresh and ring-tones

New colors. Zzzz.

iPod nano really is just a smaller version of the iPod now, full video and games (Vortex and two others included plus others available to buy) on a full metal stubby device that has a large 200ppi 2.0ā€³ display. Now available in $149 4GB and $199 8GB models.Ā Yummy.

New iMac available only with glossy display

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Showing the glossy MacBook screen When I use a computer I want to view my email, pages and work and not watch a light-show of whatā€™s going on behind me. Glossy displays are therefore rather unappealing and Appleā€™s latest iMac update has me suitablyĀ worried.

First it was theĀ cheap-end MacBooks available only with a glossy display, then it was an option on the MacBook Pro and nowĀ the iMac is blemished with its mirror-like displayĀ (and downgraded video card from Nvidia 7300 GT to ATI HD2400Ā XT).

Great free system tools for Mac OS X

Deeper takes you further that System Preferences and provides access to a number of extra options such as Finders graphical effects, layout, spacing and menus, as well as some extra options for Dashboard, Dock, Expose, Login andĀ more.

As an extra cool treat you can also select a screen-saver to be your desktop background just to show off how smooth, slick and system-deep the transparency, scaling and hardware acceleration go in OSĀ X.

Seven ideas for topping up your iPod

Itā€™s been almost two years since IĀ last blogged on what content I was feeding myĀ iPod so hereā€™s an update on whatā€™s keeping mineĀ fresh.

If you get a song in your head youā€™d like but donā€™t know what it isĀ then Midomi might be what you are lookingĀ for.

Windows Mobile 6 on the HTC TyTN with a Mac

Windows Mobile 6 on the HTC TyTNItā€™s been a while coming but HTC haveĀ announced Windows Mobile 6 for theĀ TyTN (Hermes, Dopod 838Pro, iMate JASJAM , SoftBankĀ X01HT).

Curiously the update isnā€™t available on their site yet despite the announcement however the enterprising folks at XDA Developers Forums have madeĀ the official HTC versions available forĀ download.

Hidden menu options on the Mac

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Apple tends to hide away unusual functionality in order to keep the user interface easy toĀ use.

Here are a few hidden menu options that magically appear when you pressĀ the ShiftShift, AltAlt or CtrlCtrl modifier keys.

Safari for Windows surprises: return of YellowBox?

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Whilst Appleā€™s Safari appearing onĀ Windows isnā€™t all that surprising given the number of Windows-related patches to WebKit/KHTML they committed back the actual release has a fewĀ surprises.

Apple say the reason for Safari on Windows is to give users another slice of Apple pie. I think the real motive is likely to be that they want developers and designers on Windows to test with Safari and therefore improve compatibility for Mac users. Being that before this there wasnā€™t a single KHTML-based browser for Windows outsideĀ the Cygwin environment itā€™ll achieve justĀ that.

More free gems for the Mac

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It must be that time again alreadyā€¦ here weĀ go!

Everyone needs a calendar to hand. In Windows using the time in system bar seems to be the quickest option although itā€™s obviously not meant for that and one false click sends you to theĀ future.

Appleā€™s next enclosure material?

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Olivier wonders about Appleā€™s next enclosureĀ material and that got me pondering. Jobs has alreadyĀ utilized:

The current Intel machines reused the existing PowerPC enclosure designsĀ ā€” at least superficiallyĀ ā€” for the iMac, MacBook Pro and Mac Pro machines. Only the MacBook got to knock the older iBook designĀ away.

True cost of the iPhone

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So you like the iPhone and think youā€™ll buyĀ one?

If you live in the USA then thanks to Cingularā€™s exclusive multi-year deal if you want an iPhone and go withĀ their cheapest voice-only plan at $39.99 a month (which you have to pay for 24 months) you can expect your iPhone to cost you (assuming you can get out of your current contract withoutĀ penalty):

Apple Macworld misfires

So the Apple TV and iPhone are finally announced and visually impressive with a very refined user interfaceĀ ā€” but some of the technical specifications arenā€™t quiteĀ there.

First off the Apple TV tops out at 720p high-defĀ ā€” what!? For less than Apple TVā€™s $299 I can get an Xbox 360 that does video & audio streaming at 1080p. Sure the 360 is missing HDMI and the slick software but it does play state of the art 3D on-lineĀ games.

Heat, fan, power and battery monitoring on the Mac

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coconutBattery lets you see how much of a charge your battery currently has, how much it can still hold and how this compares to when it was manufactured. Itā€™ll also show you how many times you battery has beenĀ charged.

SlimBatteryMonitor is a replacement for the Apple battery indicator in the menu bar with something moreĀ compact.

Switching from Boot Camp to Parallels

A few weeks ago I managed to screw up my Windows XP installation on my MacBook using some low-level tools and driver relatedĀ stuff.

Iā€™d already run out of space on the 30GB partition Iā€™d allocated, I was missing the OS X side and not running any 3D applications so I took the plunge to remove the partition entirely and switch over to using the Parallels VM product Iā€™d purchaseĀ instead.

Inside Apple Software Update for Windows

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I was wondering whether Apple Software Update might search for and upgrade the various Boot Camp supplied tools and possiblyĀ drivers.

I did a little digging and couldnā€™t find the answer but did spot that the Software Update sends a few interesting machine details to Appleā€™s webĀ serverā€¦.

Appleā€™s Showtime and the disappointing iTV

Todayā€™s Apple Showtime event showed some great products, and some disappointingĀ ones.

The tiny new iPod Shuffle G2, the fantastic looking iPod Nano G2 with the return of the iPod Mini aluminum casing and 24 hour battery life and 8GB flash option werenā€™t to be sniffedĀ at.

Supplementing Boot Camp 1.1

This article is now out of date.Ā Check Appleā€™s Boot CampĀ page for up-to-date information.

Boot Camp, for those that donā€™t already know, is a set of tools and drivers for getting Windows XP up on your Mac. The various componentsĀ are:

MacBook Pro whine fix in 3 hours

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Itā€™s been an odd couple of weeks for my MacBook ProĀ 15ā€³.

First of all I find thatĀ my battery is one affected by aĀ recall and so Apple send me a new battery complete with incorrect instructions on how toĀ return.

Disappointing Apple WWDC announcements

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The Rumor mills were overflowing with ideas of what Apple might show at this yearā€™s WWDC and so I like many other interested parties sat down through the hour long presentationĀ albeit via a delayedĀ stream.

The highlight of the shows was the new Mac Pro which is a dual-processor Intel Core 2 Duo Xeon machine which replaces the PowerMac G5. Whilst it retains the enclosure everything inside is new including the Intel chips, much better performance, 4 SATA snap-in drive enclosures, dual optical bays, 16TB of RAM and space for more slots whilst also being 64-bit like its predecessorĀ ā€” and unlike the previous IntelĀ Macā€™s.

MacBook Pro the ultimate developer machine?

Iā€™ve been using my MacBook Pro now for about a month and think itā€™s the ultimate developer machine. You really are spoiled for choice and everything you might want is at yourĀ fingertips.

Every Mac ships with the Xcode developer tool set. This gives you the native preferred Mac development platform called Cocoa which uses Objective-C at itā€™s core. The actual tools are based around the GCC 4 compiler and GDB debugger with a rather nice Xcode IDE and Interface Builder GUI designer from itā€™s NextStepĀ origins.

Hardware hacking the MacBook movement sensor

Developers keep finding new and unexpected uses for hardware and softwareĀ ā€” seemingly never more so than on the Mac and OSĀ X.

Whether theyā€™re using the iSight camera to scan bar codes into your Delicious Library or turning the Apple Remote into a alarm key-fob in TheftSensor thereā€™s always some novel hack around the corner for the latest bit ofĀ kit.

Apple introduces 17ā€³ MacBook Pro

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Apple have announced the 17ā€³ MacBook Pro atĀ their US Store that should be shipping within the next 7ā€“10 days (earlyĀ May).

The machine is almost identical to the 2GHz models of the 15.4ā€³ MacBook with the followingĀ differences;

What are the unknown devices in XP on the MacBook Pro?

This article was written when Boot Camp had limited device driver support and is now therefore out ofĀ date.

Appleā€™s Boot Camp provides the majority of drivers required including theĀ elusive ATI Mobility RadeonĀ X1600 driver however there are a few devices without official drivers. TheseĀ are;

Fixing MacBook Pro keyboard annoyances under Windows

This article was written when Boot Camp had limited device driver support and is now therefore out ofĀ date.

There are a few annoyances with the MacBook Pro keyboard when in use under Windows XP via Boot Camp. The lack of back lighting and theĀ swapped WindowsWindowsAltAlt keys I canā€™t help with but the getting the Fn key operational,Ā replacing Alt GrAlt Gr and switching misplaced symbols IĀ can.

Life with Windows & Boot Camp on the MacBook Proā€¦

The performance is quiteĀ amazing.

World of Warcraft runs nicely under Windows giving an acceptable 20 fpsĀ at 1440Ɨ900 24-bit color 24-bit depthĀ 1xmultisample1440Ɨ900 24-bit color 24-bit depthĀ 1xmultisample with everything turned up high or on. Dropping down the anisotropic to mid-point and turning off the full-screen glow effect and smooth shading bumps that up to 30Ā fps.

Appleā€™s Boot Camp and my new MacBook Pro

Apple announced their Boot Camp technologyĀ ā€” basically a set of drivers for Windows XP, a wizard to help resize your existing disk partition and the necessary magic to load XP from the EFIĀ BIOS.

I can imagine the Windows on Mac Intel project that raised $12,000 USD are wondering why theyĀ botheredā€¦

Gloomy long-term future for Apple?

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Steve Jobsā€™ vision and leadership has turned Apple around from a great-promise but minimal market share in the computer business into a media and fashion darling envied by the likes of Sony, Dell andĀ Microsoft.

Under his watchful eye they have put out a friendly computer called the iMac that redefined what computers could look like, a powerful Unix based OS with a simple but gorgeous user interface and practically took possession lock-stock-and-barrel of the portable music playerĀ market.

Mac Mini Intel isnā€™t my digital life

This week Apple unveiled theirĀ new Mac MiniMac Mini powered by the Intel Core Duo processor and using Intelā€™s core graphics, effectively giving it a significant boost whilst still retaining the attractive Ā£400 priceĀ point.

Apple are now saying ā€œLive the digital lifeā€ and implying that the mini belongs as part of a home entertainment system. Theyā€™ve even gone so far as to bundle it with their Front Row media center and an Apple RemoteĀ control.

Why I havenā€™t yet ordered a MacBook Pro

My aging Dell 8100 is struggling with the recent demands of Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 mostly due to the fact it only supports 512MB RAM. Paging is bad enough on a desktop but on a laptop with slower drives and batteryĀ drainā€¦

Appleā€™s first x86Ā laptop is based on the Intel Core Duo processor and will be available later this month. The enclosure is very similar to the previous aluminum PowerBooks with some changes to the socket line-up but retaining the backlit keyboard and wide-screen aspectĀ ratio.

Apple to the Channel Islands ā€“ Get lost

Last week I was at the Apple Store UK ordering a universal dock connector for my iPod. Unexpectedly the the shipping address was not acceptedĀ ā€” it claimed they were unable to accept orders from myĀ post-code.

This was a strange turn of eventsĀ ā€” Iā€™ve ordered a PowerBook G4, iLife, Apple Pro Keyboard, 20GB iPod and various other accessories in the past. Iā€™ve not changed address or post-code for over a year so whatā€™s theĀ problem?

What next for Mac OS X?

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Well obviously the hot item for the next major release of Mac OS X will be Intel compatibility but Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll get a chance to squeeze some new features in too. Here what Iā€™d like to seeĀ next:

Appleā€™s new iMac-only media centre interface seems to gave garnered quite a bit of a attention. So much so that enterprising individuals have hacked it onto their Mac. Apple should make it available to non-iMac users, possibly as part of 10.5, the next iLife or maybe even bundled with the optional remoteĀ control.

Apple announcements and a little fumbling

Apple have announced the fifth generationĀ of iPod. Improvements include better battery life, a thinner enclose, better screen and now in both black andĀ white.

But not everything is peachy. Gone is the FireWire support, the remote socket and there is still no sign of Bluetooth. Quite how you are supposed to switch tracks without pulling your iPod out your pocket Iā€™m notĀ sure.

iTunes 5, iPod Nano & audio-book pricing

Apple hosted a media event yesterday, hereā€™s my usual opinionatedĀ commentary.

iTunes 5 is now outĀ ā€” ditching the scrappy brushed-metal look in favour of the Apple Mail inspired ā€˜platinumā€™ look even on Windows. With luck we can expect the next major release of Mac OS X to take this theme across the board and finally kill off the aqua stripes and brushed metal. Letā€™s just hope they keep the older sane toolbars and not the Safari/MailĀ abominations.

More iPod fillers and Mac apps

Check out podiobooks who have put up a number of free audio-books from variousĀ authors. Neil Gaiman has managed to get the first chapter of hisĀ new Anansi Boys book read by LennyĀ Henry up too.

Fluid is a screen saver that gives you, well fluid visual effects. It has a whole bunch of preset effects and a mixing desk to mix up your own. Works okay on my PowerBook but ideally needs something more powerful! Mac Mini owners need notĀ apply.

iTunes & iPod wish-list

Contrary to popular belief iTunes and the iPod arenā€™t perfect and are in fact host to a number of my own personal peeves,Ā including:

If you are previewing a song in the music store then it will be abruptly halted the moment you visit another page. Let me just clarify that, people are here to listen to music they might want to buy and you are forcing them to spend most of their time sitting in silence while they browse. Can you get any stupider? Itā€™s easy for Apple to fix, simply add underneath ā€œMusic Storeā€ in the ā€œSourceā€ list a ā€œPreviewsā€ play list. Every time a user clicks on a track add it to that ready to be played after the current preview finishes itā€™s 30 second play. Leave them there for a couple of hours perhaps and let them jump back and re-listen to a preview they are still considering, even if it streamsĀ again.

Firefox for power users, part 2

Here are a few more useful bits and pieces to improve you browsing experience if youā€™re a FirefoxĀ user.

This great extension provides a framework that allows scripts to run against web pages from your own machine. The upshot of thisĀ isā€¦

Firefox for power users

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If youā€™ve been using Firefox for a while you might like to look at some of these tips and tricks to get more from your web browser. If youā€™re not using FirefoxĀ to find out what all the hoopla isĀ about.

Firefox, like most applications, is compiled without optimizations for specific processors. Some third parties suchĀ as Moox make processor-specific optimized builds available forĀ download.

The future of Mac Mini

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  • šŸ“¦ Apple

Iā€™m sure youā€™ve read allĀ about Appleā€™s latest Mac Mini, a stripped-down machine for those wanting toĀ try Mac OS X (according to Steve Jobs in hisĀ recent keynote). It also appears to be a good way to get mum-and-dad off your back with itā€™s practically non-existent rate of viruses and spyware. It even makes a reasonable server being that it comesĀ with Apache, a firewall and can share your Internet connectionĀ ā€” evenĀ wirelessly.

Itā€™s already been pointed out that the Mac Mini is basedĀ on PowerBook technology however there appears to be one significant change (apart from the obvious transition from laptop to desktop) and thatā€™s the graphicsĀ processor.