ZX Origins
- 📅 26/11/2019
- 💼 250 typefaces
- ✒️ 463 fonts
- 🎮 299 usages
I have designed many 8x8 bitmap fonts over the years. They are freely available to be used in games you create in exchange for a mention in the credits section. Want to say thanks? Buy me a coffee?
Each page shows simulated screenshots, backstory on the design and inspiration, tips for usage as well as variations and a download ZIP containing files in TrueType and legacy formats - Spectrum, Atari, Commodore 64, Acorn, CPC...
- All
- Sans Serif
- Display
- Serif
- Handwriting
- All
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 4-wide
- 5-wide
- adaptation
- advent
- aggressive
- angular
- arcade
- bold
- brush
- bubble
- chrome
- clean
- contrast
- conversion
- cutout
- decorative
- demo-scene
- distressed
- family
- faux-eastern
- fave
- flight
- flowing
- formal
- friendly
- frontier
- fun
- futuristic
- gaming
- heavy
- horror
- italic
- kinetic
- magnetic
- movie
- narrow
- oblique
- ocr
- old
- ornate
- outdoors
- outline
- printer
- quirky
- racing
- rough
- rustic
- sci-fi
- script
- semi-serif
- sharp
- short
- small
- small-caps
- space
- square
- stencil
- tall
- unused
- wide
- woodblock
250 matching typefaces
- Altered Chrome
- Anarchist
- Anchovy
- Anvil
- Area51
- Around
- Atlas
- Authorized
- Babyteeth
- Bauhaus
- Beachball
- Beastly
- Binnacle
- Bitty
- Blood Rain
- BowAndArrow
- Brashi
- Broadwary
- Bubblegum
- Byteletter
- Cabaret
- Cage
- Calstone
- CannonFire
- Caprica
- Carton
- Chest Burster
- Chit
- Chunky Monkey
- Cinema
- Clipper
- Coded Entry
- Comic Fans
- Comical
- Compass
- Compression
- Computer
- Computing 60s
- Conapt
- Conveyance
- Coolant
- Crews
- Cushion
- Cyberwire
- Daddy Cool
- Datel Tribute
- Dead Forest
- Deaf Metal
- Dean
- Decor
- Diamond
- DistantTears
- District
- District Digital
- DockingBay
- Doublewear
- Dunny on the Wold
- Echoes
- Egyptian Mercy
- Electromagnetic
- Emmaline
- Envious
- Envious Serif
- Everest
- Factor
- Fatality
- Firebird
- First Pass
- Flamboyant
- Flick
- Forgotten
- Founded
- Fountain
- Franopix
- Fusion Drive
- Gattars Fork
- Gemini
- Gemma
- Golden Air
- Halfling
- High Noon
- Homestead
- Hourglass
- Hyperlight
- Ident
- Ink Stamp
- Inkscript
- Insigbyte
- Invasion
- Invitation
- IoBus
- Ion Drive
- Isofell
- Jam
- Joshua
- Journey
- JumpZone
- Kalopsia
- Keytop
- Kindness
- Koncrete
- Labyrinth
- LampLight
- Lander
- Lapse
- Localhost
- Mach4
- Magic5
- Magnetic
- Manic
- Marais
- Matinee
- Melanie
- Mild West
- Moffett
- Mutual
- Needlecast
- Neoflow
- Nibbles
- Nicety
- Night in Tokyo
- No Step
- Noted
- Orbiter
- Outer
- Outrunner
- Panda
- Parchment
- Patrol
- Phase Shifter
- PicoMag
- Pinhead
- Pitstop
- Pixharmonix
- Pixie
- Plato
- Plotter
- Polaris
- Precinct
- Prelude
- Primary Target
- Prince
- Prism
- Pristine
- Proforma
- Prophecy
- Protractor
- Punch
- Quaked
- Quantra
- Quasar
- Quickshot
- Quirky PC
- Radial
- Ramscoop
- Raptor
- Raven
- Razor
- Reactor
- Rebound
- Reflections
- Reflex
- Revelation
- Reward
- Reynolds
- Ricochet
- Riverbank
- Riveter
- Rosand
- Runed
- Scarlet
- Scribe
- Sector
- Security Concepts
- Segment8
- Shakedown
- Shinobi Extended
- Shuriken
- Sketcher
- Skid Row
- SnowBunni
- Sorcery
- Space Opera
- Specmatic
- Speedway
- SquareWolf
- Standstill
- Star Maker
- Star Ranger
- Stars
- Stepper
- Streetdoc
- Striker
- Submerged
- Syncwave
- Tanzanite
- Tenant
- Tentacle
- ThinSerif
- Tipped
- Torment
- Torque
- Touch
- Track40
- Treatise
- Trouble
- Truffle Shuffle
- Tuner
- Tycho
- Ultimatum
- Uncial
- Undead
- Undervolt
- Valley
- Valour
- Velocity
- Vertigo
- Vindicated
- Wand
- Watchface
- Waterlily
- Widget
- Winterforge
- Xcelerant
- Xcerpt
- Yaroze
- You Squared
- ZX Amelia
- ZX Baveuse
- ZX Benguiat
- ZX Chicago
- ZX Courier
- ZX Eurostile
- ZX Extendomatic
- ZX Extraordinaire
- ZX Gona
- ZX Maverick
- ZX Megascope
- ZX Palm
- ZX Peignot
- ZX Ramona
- ZX Revue
- ZX Rustproof
- ZX Sierra Quest
- ZX System X3
- ZX Times
- ZX Venice